Tools of the Trade - Hoplite

Simple Weapon

Dory (spear): A Dory-spear (a.k.a Doru) can be wielded one or two-handed. It is a specialty weapon commonly found in the Kalamar Empire and was design to replace all spears for the Imperial Army. It is one efficient weapon and a standard issue for most Hoplite's. It is design to be wielded one-handed. It may also be thrown. The butt of the spear is normally capped with a butt spike called a sauroter, for ’lizard killer’. This spike has several uses. It could be used to stand the spear up or used as a secondary weapon if the spearhead was broke off. Its length typically about 7-8ft. allows it to be weilded two-handed. If weiled two-handed it is considered as a reach weapon. You can strike opponents 10 feet away with it, but you can’t use it against an adjacent foe two-handed. If you use a ready action to set a dory spear against a charge, you deal double damage on a successful hit against a charging character.

Martial Weapons

Kopis (scimitar): The Kopis-scimitar is a slightly shorter version of the traditional scimitar. It's an alternative to the xiphos for many Hoplites as their secondary weapon. This is a vicious hack and slash weapon in the form of a thick, curved sword. Warriors would use this weapon more as an axe then a sword, inflicting nasty wounds compared to the cleaner holes made by the spear and xiphos. Many refer to it as a short sword but It actual functions more closely to a scimitar when weilded in the right hands. It is a favorite weapon of many Imperial Warriors.

This weapon was seen as the quintessential "death dealer" weapon in ancient Kalamar.

Xiphos (short sword): The Xiphos-short sword is a double-edged, one-handed sword, under two feet, the Imperial Army version is typically only 12-18 inches, used by the Kalamar Empire. This secondary weapon is employed if in the crush of battle rendered a hoplite's spear useless or if it was broken. A standard issued weapon for the hoplite and the members of the Imperial Army.

In one account a Fhokki barbarian asked a Imperial Warrior why his sword was so short and after a short pause the hoplite replied, “It’s long enough to reach your heart".

Armor and Shields

Aspis (heavy shield): An aspis is deeply dished and made primarily of wood, with a thin sheet of bronze on the outer face, and a thinker layer just around the rim. The Aspis can be strapped to your forearm and grip it with your hand. A heavy shield that weights the same as a light, and lets you carry other items in that hand, although you cannot use weapons with it. Wooden or Steel: Wooden and steel shields offer the same basic protection, though they respond differently to special attacks (such as warp wood and heat metal).

Aspis Shield Bash Attacks: You can bash an opponent with a Aspis, using it as an off-hand weapon. See Table 7–5 in Players Handbook 3.5. Weapons for the damage dealt by a Aspis shield bash see table below, if used this way, a Aspia is a martial bludgeoning weapon. For the purpose of penalties on attack rolls, treat the Aspis as a light weapon. If you use your Aspis as a weapon, you lose its AC bonus until your next action (usually until the next round). An enhancement bonus on a Aspis shield does improve the effectiveness of a Aspis Shield bash made with it, but the shield can also be made into a magic weapon in its own right.

Corinthian Helm (helmet): Originated in Kalamar and took its name from the City-State of Corinth. It was a helmet made of bronze, which in alternate styles covers the entire head and neck, with slits for the eyes and mouth. A large curved projection protects the nape of the neck. Out of combat, a hoplite is sometime seen wearing the helmet tipped upward for comfort.

* Benefits: +6 circumstance bonus to AC vs. any attack that specifically relies on harming the head, such as a Mind Flayer's brain extraction. +3 bonus to vs. Gaze attacks. Immune to attacks from saps or similar effects for knockout.

Penalties: -4 on Listen, Spot, and Climb checks, -2 on Balance, Search, Jump, and Swim checks. (these penalties do not stack with normal armor check penalties).

Bronze Hoplite Armor (light armor): The best hoplite armor consists of a lightweight bronze over leather breast-and-back, bracers, reinforced leather tassets and sandals. Other varieties use bronze scales to achieve the same protective effect with similar mobility. More fanciful versions would likely belonged to a leaders of some type. The hoplite armor is always standard or masterwork and never below average or shoddy.

Tools of the Trade - Hoplite — List page from Classic Sites