
Hill Dwarves

Also known as lowland dwarves, these are the most common sort of dwarf found on Tellene. Your average hill dwarf has a compact build with dark tan or brown skin and dark eyes, with hair that is typically dark and worn long, and beards are signs of pride amongst the men. Hill dwarves preferred class is fighter.

Mountain Dwarves

Distrustful and wary, mountain dwarves have dwelled in isolation for generations. Also called highland dwarves, the mountain dwarves are generally slightly taller than their lowland cousins, with darker skin tones and hair that tends more towards red or brown, and dark eyes. Like hill dwarves, mountain dwarves also prefer the class of fighter.

Stone Dwarves

Harsh and unkind, stone dwarves have skin ranging from gray to white, with hair ranging from gray to black. Eyes are usually dark, but rarely ice blue eyes can be seen. Height and build are similar to that of hill dwarves. Their preferred class is rogue.