Gray Elf

Gray elves or as some may call “doulathan” in elf are the most evolved of the elven races, having moved away from nature and toward civilization, as the other races know it. They live in cities of stone, possess strong and complex governments, but, at heart, they are still elves, for the blood of their race is apparent in their physique and mindset.

Most Gray Elf communities are large villages, though their greatest populated city, the city of Doulathanorian, holds around 18,000 Gray Elves and is considered the center of civilization on Tellene, at least by its inhabitants. Individual families of Gray Elves exist across Tellene, usually living among High Elves.

Gray Elf society is far more regimented than that of the other elven breeds, having a more advanced social class system, a complex governmental structure, and stringent laws and regulations. Yet the system is not oppressive, for Gray Elves do not seek to stamp their authority over any race, let alone their own


Gray Elves are haughty creature. They project either good intentions tinged with arrogance or depraved indifference, depending on their alignment. They are somber and dignified, and they do not tolerate familiarity or open affection fromothers.

Physical Description

The Gray Elves are tall of an elf standing between 5'8" and 6', they weight on average between 100 - 140 lbs. Their skin resembles that of High Elves, although with a more golden tone. 'Gray' sums up their emotional state, rather than their coloration. Unique among elven culture, the Gray Elf often have beards in their old age. Gray Elves do not require eight hours of sleep. They only need four hours meditation, just like High Elves. Their hair color run light and their eyes are blue, green, light brown, and gray. On rare occasions a Gray Elf will be born with black eyes, and white/gray hair, commonly called Moon Elves. This rare occurrence happens when both parents are pour blood Gray Elf.


Gray Elves do not consider other races equals. They respect the dignity of lowland dwarves, tolerate high elves and ignore most other races. Gnomes can be annoying especially the ones fond of practical jokes, while half-orcs are offensive. They treat hobgoblins with some respect, usually because they show the same in return. Gray Elves pay no attention to halfling; when they must, they are generally condescending.


Gray Elves are far less chaotic than other elf races. While they are often neutral good, they tend more toward lawful neutral or lawful good.

Gray Elf Lands

Gray Elf cities have more stone and fewer trees than those of other Elven civilizations, and their governments are similar in complexity to human nations. Gray elves live all over Tellene, but their greatest concentration is in the city Doulathanorian in the Edosi Forest. Individuals live throughout elven lands, perferring the company of other elves to that of "lesser" races.


Gray Elves favor worship of the Eternal Lantern, the Peacemaker, the Pure One, the Founder, the Mule, the Eye Opener and the Fate Scribe, with the largest following belonging to the Pure One. Their attitude toward others and their choice of religion might seem a contradiction. How can a race that holds others in disdain worship a goddess of love? The dichotomy is easily explained; they love other races in the way that human might love its pet dog.


Gray Elves consider themselves the trustees of ancient High-Elven. Among the elves they speak it exclusively. They speak Low-Elven to other races. They typically learn to comprehend a human tongue or other popular regional language in order to understand strangers better, though they are loath to speak in such barbaric tongues.


The desire for knowledge usually prompts a Gray Elf to take up a life of adventure, but experience in the real world or boredom can motivate them as well. A sage might become a mercenary, for example, so that he can write a book about the military organization of Korak. Wizards are their favorite class, and Gray Elves excel in the arcane arts. Their desire for knowledge and self-awareness leads a few to the life of a monk. More typically, they become clerics, fighters and bards. Less commonly, adventuring Gray Elves are paladins, rangers or rogues. Gray Elf druids are rare, sorcerers very rare, and if there is a gray elf barbarian he/she is probably unique.