The Merciful Fates


Clerics of the Lord of Silver Linings strive to maintain a positive outlook on life. They prefer to avoid combat. If necessary, they enter battle and even initiate the attack, when the situation requires decisive action, but they are never vengeful. Similar to their deity, they only intervene in conflicts to provide balance and mercy to the losers.

Tellene best knows the Merciful Fates as healers. They often watch over the sick or disabled and tend them until they have healed. This makes them welcome in most societies and favorites in adventuring bands. The Merciful Fates also love to see others make their dreams come true. They try to help others fulfill their hopes by offering their services in any way they can. Like the Lord of Blue Skies, clerics often assist others in times of need, regardless of the other’s alignment.

Adventures: The Merciful Fates adventure with other characters to try and reduce some of the damage inflicted. While sharing many viewpoints with both the Temple of the Three Strengths and the Peacemakers, the Merciful Fates are distinct in their advocacy of virtue as a means of defense against harm. A positive outlook and a simple diet, they claim, go hand-in-hand toward a goal of good health and a resistance to illness and injury.

Characteristics: Merciful Fates rely on personal and divine skill to heal sickness, poison and injury. They preach the virtues of caution and safety to those who listen and tend to those who do not. By following their own advice, they make themselves nearly immune to misfortune.

Background: A new generation of Merciful Fates follows every plague, arising to fight the evil of the Rotlord and others who wish to harm people. Driven by the memory of loved ones and neighbors suffering the woes of plague, such Merciful Fates never forget the intensely personal events that drove them to become clerics.

Races: All races enjoy the benefits of healing. Dwarves, with their attention to detail and affinity for careful work, make exceptional healers. The sil-karg might not be the most solicitous of doctors, but they are aggressive in their treatments.

Relations With Other Classes: The Merciful Fates take a dim view of those who seek to resolve issues with force before negotiation, regardless of class. They recognize however, the need to directly confront the evils of the world and realize that often means conflict and the resulting injuries. Merciful Fates work well with clerics that focus on healing magic over combat, with monks who frequently use non-violent combat techniques, and especially members of variant healer-type classes or prestige classes.

Relations With Undead: Clerics must destroy undead, and those that associate with them, at all costs. Animating, creating, or otherwise associating with undead may bring excommunication from the church. The faith allows for little flexibility with this rule.

Role: They seek to heal other adventurers and those they combat, if possible. They try to minimize combat, placing themselves in the thick of things so that there will be a cool, rationale mind to seek out solutions to adventurers’ problems that involve a minimum of damage to themselves and others.