Seeking Wisdom

A dwarf has done something relative to the teaching of The Wanderer in the world;

“I have begun a long journey some would call a pilgrimage that suits my own needs and desires. I have learned essential lessons, and like a good spiritual adventurer, I am letting you in on the lessons I learned. Although my adventures are fascinating, it is my inner discoveries that appeals within the parchment and book. It is worth everything for HE is to say that I am not a hero and my adventures are not heroic”

as it is written by Stiruck A-Horn.

It is just what is greatly needed today a no heroic exploit. The dwarf’s passage is amazing, and worth reading it is inspired by many; it’s like a shaman, going out and coming back, and all he has learned can be read and it can be taken in with good uplifting experiences which can be used to change one-self.

The First Parchment

- A life refined to its spirit is a vital method of daily survival

so it is written in the Book of Solitude,

... but it is also a moral thought on the strains between nature and magic, isolation and society.

It is with humor and brutal honesty, we must explore the pain and longing typically avoided by many.

As well as the peace and wonder that arise once we strip away our neediness.

Describe all with poetic attention, transporting both inner and outer experiences.

We should go into solitude searching for enlightenment, seeking ‘The Answer’, ... but we will come back empty-handed, because 'The Wonderer' is found all around, it’s a person, place and thing to clearly see the insanity that is denying what the world is and for what it should be.

Discover that life itself teaches us all we need to know, once we pause to really listen.

The Book

The Oral Word