Religions of Pekal

The deities of Pekal are a diverse group who watch over the intelligent races in all of Tellene. Each culture has their own names for these gods and their own way of worshipping them. Some gods have multiple names and temples even within the same culture. In Pekal, as in the rest of Tellene, worship of a god is defined by the temple organization. In Living Kingdoms of Kalamar, all organized worship is done through the temple organizations in Pekal. Service to a temple and study of its precepts is commonly expected of all members, from the lowest acolyte to the highest priest. Advancement in a temple is typically based upon both completion of service and knowledge of the temple’s dogma.

Temples in Pekal are required by law to maintain a relationship with the College of Magic to restrict the use of magic within the Principality. The College allows temples of accepted faiths to govern their own members in the creation of magical items, provided that the temples follow the College’s guidelines and restrictions. Members and allies of the religious organizations use those rules for creating magical items rather than those of the College of Magic.

Temple Size

Not all Temples are equal in the campaign because not all Temples are equal within Pekal. The size of each Temple within the Principality determines the available structure and benefits of that Temple. The organization details listed will change whenever events within the campaign change church size or influence.

All Temples have allies and enemies among the other Temples. In Pekal, allies of the larger Temples have access to some of the benefits of the organization, provided they show their willingness to work for the Temple.

Cathedrals in Pekal

These large organizations have multiple buildings and locations throughout the Principality. They have many layers and responsibilities available for priests. At this time only two religions are large enough to be classified as Cathedrals – The Temple of Enchantment and The Parish of Love.

Temple of Enchantment

The Temple of Enchantment is the most influential religion within Pekal, especially in the capital city. Much of the work of the Temple is unknown to the populace at large, but it is known that they frequently oppose the College of Magic in political circles. Despite this, the two organizations maintain cordial relationships outside of the political maneuverings. The Temple of Enchantment is known to speak out against what they call the frivolous use of magic and to urge their members who also belong to the College of Magic to adopt a more conservative approach. The Temple is also one of the major forces behind the ban upon psionic powers and the continued application of that ban.

Parish of Love

The Parish has been popular in Pekal for many years, not as a political power but as something that touches the daily lives of the people. Most citizens of Pekal pay homage to The Pure One at the major events of life, especially at marriages and births. The Priests of the Parish concern themselves with the people of Pekal and are welcome at most gatherings.

Large Temples in Pekal

These organizations usually have one large temple and a few smaller temples in various locations throughout the Principality. Shrines are also common. There are limited positions and responsibilities for priests. The religions classified as large temples are The Halls of the Valiant, The Home Foundation, The Assembly of Light, and The Church of Life's Fire.

Halls of the Valiant

In contrast to the Assembly of Love, the Halls of the Valiant do not play a large part in the everyday lives of the citizens of Pekal. Most of the members of this faith are from the noble houses. Those others are usually members of knightly orders or aspire to be knights. This does not mean that the Halls do not play an important role in Pekal – far from it! The precepts of the Valiant influence all military organizations and knightly orders through their leaders.

The Home Foundation

The priests of the Home Foundation are frequently involved in the everyday business of Pekal. Many craftsmen prefer The Counselor to The Landlord because she stresses service to the community over profits. The priests are naturally very involved with marriage, especially the customs and rituals surrounding it. Many priests act as sounding boards and counselors to the communities they serve. Since the war with Kalamar the Foundation has evolved towards the stewardship of property as well, especially within the larger cities.

The Assembly of Light

No city in Pekal is without the services of the Assembly of Light, for no city is without the Lamplighters. Membership in the Assembly is not retricted to the major cities, but few towns or villages have more than a small shrine to Dirasip. Even so, it is a rare person who does not give thanks to The Shining One when seeing the sun rise after a long or difficult night. The priests of the Assembly seem content with the current state of affairs, spending most of their time in the cities.

The Church of the Life's Fire

No faith is stronger in the villages and hamlets of Pekal than that of the Field Mother. Priests of the Church are often workers as well, tending to their flock as they help them tend to their crops. The Church believes in the wise use of land and so welcomes both druids and priests of Regorike equally.

Major Shrines in Pekal

These organizations usually have several shrines, one of which is large enough and ornate enough to be named a temple. Priests of these organizations have very limited positions and responsibilities.

The Courts of Justice

House of Solace

Church of Everlasting Hope

Theater of the Arts

The Founder's Creation

Temple of the Three Strengths

Parish of the Prolific Coin