Goliath Feats


Goliaths place great stock in how the mottled variations in skin pigmentation herald events in that goliath's future. Your skin patterns indicate that fate has marked you for greatness, and the patterns shift slowly to take new forms.

Prerequisite: Goliath

Benefit: Goliaths who can see your skin pattern are subconsciously affected by it. You gain a +2 bonus on all Charisma-based skill checks when dealing with other Goliaths. In addition, you can reroll any stabilization check once per turn.


Your extensive training with two-handed weapons is revealed through brutally effective tactics.

Prerequisite: Goliath, Power Attack, STR 13, base attack bonus +3

Benefit: Brute Fighting enables the use of three tactical maneuvers.

Combat Momentum: If you deal damage to a foe with a charge attack made with a two-handed weapon and that opponent then fails to hit you before your next turn, you gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls against that opponent on your next turn.

Dispatch the Fallen: If you successfully bull rush or overrun a foe, any melee attack you make against that foe with a two-handed weapon on your next turn gains a +4 bonus on damage rolls.

Frenzied Attack: If you hit a foe with a two-handed weapon at least once on two consecutive turns during which you use the Power Attack feat (taking at least a -2 penalty on attack rolls), you gain a +2 bonus on all attack rolls you make with that weapon against the same foe for the rest of the round.


Your bond with the earth and martial training has imbued your fists with the qualities of cold iron.

Prerequisite: Goliath, Dwarf, or Gnome, Earth Sense, Improved Unarmed Strike, CON 13, WIS 13

Benefit: As long as you are touching the ground, your unarmed attacks are treated as cold iron weapons for the purpose of dealing damage to creatures with damage reduction.


You have stony growths on your skin that afford you protection against attacks.

Prerequisite: Goliath

Benefit: You gain a +1 natural armor bonus.


You improve your fortification, gaining immunity to sneak attacks and extra damage from critical hits.

Prerequisite: Must be a Goliath, base attack bonus +6

Benefit: You gain immunity to sneak attacks and extra damage from critical hits, but you lose the ability to be healed by spells of the healing subschool.


Your skin markings shift into a pattern that resists a wide array of harmful effects in times of trouble.

Prerequisites: Goliath, Auspicious Marking

Benefit: Up to three times per day, you can roll a second d20 when attempting any saving throw and use either of the two results.


Your skin markings shift into a pattern that makes you hard to get the drop on.

Prerequisite: Goliath, Auspicious Marking,

Benefit: You can roll a second d20 when making an initiative check and use either of the two results.


Your skin markings shift into a pattern that denotes you as having strong magical talent.

Prerequisite: Goliath, Auspicious Markings

Benefit: Up to three times per day, you can roll a second d20 when attempting a caster level check and use either of the two results.


Your skin markings shift into a pattern that gives you fate's edge when using skills.

Prerequisite: Goliath, Auspicious Markings

Benefit: Up to three times per day, you can roll a second d20 when attempting any skill check and use either of the two results.


Your skin markings have shifted over time into a pattern that gives you fate's deathly accuracy in times of trouble.

Prerequisite: Goliath, Auspicious Markings

Benefit: Up to three times per day, you can roll a second d20 when making an attack roll and use either of the two results.