Halfling Sub-types

Beloved 'Little Folk' of the Great Valleys

They are one of the smallest and humblest of races, Halflings often go unnoticed in the grand scheme of things. It is this obscurity that is also their strength, for fate often turns on factors that go unnoticed until the last moment. It is in these moments, when the whole world seems to hold its breath that the Halflings arise to greatness. From the fields and hedgerows, from the alleyways and burrows, from garden and shadow, the little folk emerge to fulfill their destinies.

Halflings are also known as “hin” amongst themselves or the “Little Folk” amongst other races, they are humanoid creatures similar in shape to humans and elves, who Halflings call the "Big Folk," but around half the size. Halflings get along well with most of the other races and are known for their curiosity and tendency to collect things. Halflings live simple lives and have simple pleasures. They keep to their small villages, preferring a countryside existence over busy cities, lordly castles, or deep dungeons. Sometimes, however, a particularly restless Halfling will leave its village in search of adventure. Contrary to some stereotypes, they have a slow metabolism and can survive on less food than most species.

Halflings have a rich, clear background to draw from, but can lack the diverse scope of other races. Every Halfling adventurer, regardless of class, will find their place in the world. The simple but determined adventurer, the charming trickster, the lethal assassin, the mysterious fortune teller, the master chef, the undetectable thief; all these archetypes can be found within the Halfling.

List of halfling sub-types;

Arctic Halfling

Dark Halfling

Deep Halfling

Desert Halfling

Tallfellow Halfling

Wild Halfling