The Prophets

Clerics of Lady Time are the prophets of the lands. They act as intermediaries between Queen Destiny, her followers and any who would listen to their prophesies. They recognize themselves as the chess pieces in a match played by the gods.

The Prophets believe that mortals should willingly accept the fate that the gods have ordained. Clerics of the Inevitable Order of Time are charged with setting right those mortals who stray from the path of destiny; and eliminating those who wish to disrupt the preordained pattern of events. The gift of prophecy allows them to see the future and, if possible, manipulate the events into occurring.

Unlike many clergies who rely on current followers advancing to become new clerics, the Prophets actively seek out and recruit those who have the gift of prophecy. The Fate Scribe lets it be known to her clerics where those who possess the gift can be found. If a newborn has the gift, a cleric will try to locate the child. They inform the parents of the child’s gift and urge them to allow the Inevitable Order of Time to tutor the child. When the clergy feels the child is ready, they will ask to take the child to a temple so she may receive a more thorough training. If the parents are apprehensive, the Prophets will attempt to manipulate the parents through the use of magic. If this fails and the child shows great promise, they usually kidnap it.

The gift has been known to lay dormant in some people for years before it manifests itself. In these cases, a cleric will approach the person and urge him or her to allow the clergy to develop the gift. Only through formal training at a temple of the Keeper of Fortunes will a person be assured of fully developing their gift. Not all who possess the gift become clerics of the Fate Scribe and not all who have fully developed the gift were taught by the Prophets (although the latter is very rare).

Adventurers who desire some insight into a mission that they are about to undertake will often approach clerics of Queen Destiny for advise. A cleric will sometimes accompany the group if asked. However, he often reveals only what is necessary in order to avoid tampering with the course of destiny.

Adventures: Prophets adventure to make certain that their visions come true. Trying to deviate from the ordered future causes uncontrolled, unexpected results. Such an addition of chaos and chance to the nature of their visions makes further visions less clear, while a steadfast pursuit of destiny leads to more frequent and detailed glimpses of the future.

Characteristics: Prophets tend to be reserved, somber and determined; they see the future and know that it holds both good and ill, so wild fluctuations of emotion only waste time and energy. Few Prophets use their gifts to avert harm or ill fortune; instead they concern themselves with making certain the future they saw comes to pass. This often makes a Prophet seem cold, aloof, and even cruel, but the Prophet knows her ability places a greater burden on her than concern for the feelings of others.

Background: Prophets come from all lifestyles; all were recruited into the Inevitable Order of Time and show even greater than normal prophetic ability. Such ability knows no distinction of class, education, or circumstance.

Races: Humans and dwarves are the most common Prophets, although members of any race make up the ranks.

Relations With Other Classes: A Prophet works well with monks and other lawful characters (once she sets them on the “right course”), but finds it difficult to deal with barbarians and other typically chaotic characters. Paladins are also difficult to control, as their strong sense of morality often conflicts with the destiny of the Prophet. Regardless of class, the Prophet views other characters more as instruments than allies.

Relations With Undead: Clerics must destroy undead that threaten the faith or its worshippers, but can animate, create or associate with undead in life-threatening situations, or if the association furthers the faith’s goals and will do no harm later. If the church decrees the cleric has committed an offense against the faith, he may be subject to penance or (for major offenses) even banned from increasing in temple rank.

Role: A Prophet serves as the party leader, although sometimes that leadership hides behind a carefully crafted flow of information and advice. The Prophet rarely subordinates herself to the less-than-perfect decisions of those who cannot know the things she knows, or seen the things she has seen.