Deep Halfling Racial Traits

    • Deep Halflings lack powerful muscles, but as a people they are crafty and sage. +1 Dexterity, +1 Constitution, -2 Strength.

  • Small-sized: As small-sized creature, Deep Halfling gain a +1 size bonus to armor class, a +1 size bonus on attacks rolls and a +4 size bonuse on Hide checks, but they must use smaller weapons than humans use, and their lifting and carring limits are three-quarters of those of Medium-size characters.

  • Deep Halfling base speed is 20 feet.

  • Improved Low-light Vision: Deep Halfling can see four times (x4) as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight and similar condition or poor illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.

    • Stuncunning: Stonecunning grants Deep Halflings a +2 racial bonus on Search checks to notice unusual stonework, such as sliding walls, stonework traps, new construction, unsafe stone surfaces, shaky stone ceilings, and the like. Something that is not stone but that is disguised as stone also counts as unusual stonework. A Deep Halfling who merely comes within 10 feet of unusual stonework can make a Search check as if he were actively searching and a Deep Halfling can use the Search skill to find stonework traps as a rogue can. A Deep Halfling can also intuit depth, sensing his approximate depth underground as normally as a human can sense which way is up and a sixth sense about stonework.

  • Halfling Luck: +1 racial bonus on all saving throws, like other Halfling, Deep Halflings are capable of avoiding mishaps.

  • Fearless: +2 moral bonus on saving throws against fear, this bonus stacks with the Halfling +1 saving throws in general.

    • +2 racial bonus on Appraise checks that are related to stone or metal items, Deep Halflings are familiar with valuable items of all kinds.

  • Shared Heritage: Deep Halflings gain Bluff as Innuendo skill with a +2 racial bonus to Innuendo checks when sending a message to or receiving a message from another Halfling or intercepting a hidden message between Halflings.

    • Automatic Languages: Halfling and Dwarven. Bonus Languages: Celestial, Low-Elven, Merchant's Tongue and one regional human language.

    • Favored Class fighter: A multiclass Deep Halfling's fighter class does not count when determining whether he takes an experience point penalty for multiclassing.