Book of Endless Journey

Unique among the religious canons, the “Endless Journey” never appears in book format. Long ago, the Temple of the Stars ordained that the Endless Journey could only be properly inscribed in the margins and backside of a Journeyman’s largest navigational map. No one remembers when this ordinance was passed or who the Journeyman was that made the rule. One thing is certain; it was an ancient enough belief that no one (not even the oldest elves) remembers an Endless Journey appearing anywhere but on a map.

The Endless Journey teaches that excursions, even hard ones, should be enjoyed and not seen as work. The voyage itself should be planned and welcomed as much as reaching the destination. It also gives instructions on reading the stars and using them to find direction.

A more serious portion discusses the evils of banditry and piracy, imploring all followers as well as Journeymen to rise against such abominations. It derides any restriction on movement, including the feudal system, servitude, road tolls and any cause to fear travel (especially monsters).

Inscribed by Journeymen from one map to another, Endless Journey is never available for sale. It can only be obtained as a gift.