Faith Feats


The Guardian has marked you as having an important destiny in his temple.

Prerequisites: Patron deity The Guardian, must have defeated an dire creature in single combat.

Benefit: The defeated dire creature type cannot attack you unless they are magically compelled. In addition, if you possess the turn or rebuke undead class feature, you can rebuke and command the defeated dire creature type as an evil cleric rebukes or commands undead. You gain a +2 sacred bonus to your Armor Class against chaotic-aligned dire creatures.

Cleric is now an additional favored class for you; the cleric class does not count when determining whether you take an experience point penalty for multiclassing.

Special: Your aura radiates law with a strength equal to your character level. If you ever lose favor with The Guardian, or change your patron deity to another deity, you lose all benefits of this feat and take damage as if you were bitten by a the defeated dire creature type. You do not gain a replacement feat. If you later return to The Guardian’s faithful and receive an atonement spell, you regain the benefit of this feat.


As a result of your connection to The Riftmaster, you have a special favor.

Prerequisite: Patron deity The Riftmaster, Able to cast 6th-level arcane spells

Benefit: You may add the following spells to the spell list of one arcane spellcasting class that grants you access to 6th-level spells.

1st Level: Ray of hope, Vision of heaven

2nd Level: Ease pain

3rd Level: Blessed sight

4th Level: Sword of conscience

5th Level: Crown of flame, Sacred guardian

6th Level: Crown of brilliance

7th Level: Righteous smite

If you have a spellbook, you may add these spells to your spellbook as normal. If you cast spells spontaneously in the manner of a sorcerer or bard, you may immediately, as an additional benefit of this feat, swap any one spell that you know for a spell of the same level from the above list.

After you take this feat, you may swap spells known according to the usual rules for your class.


You have established a greater degree of control over your insight. When you concentrate, you can emit a strong illumination from your holy symbol.

Prerequisite: Member of the Order of Light or Cleric of the Eternal Lantern, temple rank 2+

Benefit: As a standard action, you can illuminate your holy symbol to provide a bright glow. Your holy symbol shed illumination equivalent to a daylight spell. The light lasts as long as you concentrate, and for 1 round thereafter.


The Eternal Lantern, has judged you, and he now shows you special favor.

Prerequisites: Patron deity Eternal Lantern, must have survived at least three days in the waste without water, Member of any order to the Eternal Lantern

Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Constitution checks to avoid the negative effects of thirst. You gain a +2 bonus to your Armor Class against undead creatures that are adversely affected by sunlight, such as vampires and wraiths. Cleric is now an additional favored class for you; the cleric class does not count when determining whether you take an experience point penalty for multiclassing.

Special: Your aura shows faint abjuration magic. If you ever lose favor with Aurifar, or change your patron deity to another deity, you lose the benefit of this feat, and you immediately begin experiencing the effects of thirst as though you had gone without water for one week. You do

not gain a replacement feat. If you later return to Aurifar’s faithful and receive an atonement spell, you regain the benefit of this feat.


Your deity fills you with strength and power against the undead.

Prerequisite: Member of the Order of Light or Cleric of the Eternal Lantern, temple rank 1+

Benefit: You receive a +2 bonus on attack rolls and turning checks against undead.


Your connection to a greater power sometimes gives you flashes of insight that keep you safe.

Prerequisite: Knowledge (religion) 4 ranks.

Benefit: When you would be reduced to 0 hit points or less by damage, you can spend 1 faith point to take only half damage.

Special: When chosen, this feat gives you 2 faith points, and you may earn additional faith points as outlined in the Faith Feats section.


By adhering to the precepts of your religion or philosophy, you gain an extra edge when you need it most.

Prerequisite: Knowledge (religion) 4 ranks.

Benefit: You can spend a faith point to add 1d6 to your d20 roll on an attack, save, or check-even after you've seen the d20 roll, as long as the it's not announced whether you've succeeded or failed. You can choose to spend more than one faith point at a time in this way.

Special: When chosen, this feat gives you 2 faith points, and you may earn additional faith points as outlined in the Faith Feats section.


You can use the strength of your faith to augment a spell cast at a critical juncture.

Prerequisite: Knowledge (religion) 4 ranks.

Benefit: By spending 2 faith points when you cast a spell, you gain a +1d6 bonus to the DC of any save required to resist the spell or to your caster level for that spell.

Special: When chosen, this feat gives you 2 faith points, and you may earn additional faith points as outlined in the Faith Feats section.


Your domain spells are better able to overcome spell resistance.

Prerequisite: Watcher or cleric of the Watcher, temple rank 1+

Benefit: Your domain spells receive a +2 bonus to all Perform checks.

Source Notes: KoK, Divine Masters; d20 Complete Divine