Character Creation

In KoK players are heroes and their stats reflect the same. This means that a player is better than average and there stat should reflect that, normally a player character will have a stat no lower than 10, but to keep the game from becoming high fantasy no higher than 20.

The player has a few chooses for stats, they can use the 17 down format or roll 4d6 keeping 3 anything lower than total 10 becomes a 10. In all cases a 2 for 1 rule applies. 2 for 1 rule applies to all form of character creation to allow the PC to mold his or her character into the vision that he or she wants without mega-gaming.

What is the 2 for 1 rule?

After placing a number (regardless of which form used) to a stat, you may subtract 2 points form a stat to add 1 point to another, all racial and character creation modification cannot total greater than 20. Or go lower than 10 without OK form the GM. Racial adjustment are done last, and still follow the Min of 10 and max of 20 for any stat.