
Hoplites are citizen-soldiers of The Kalarmar Empire, and nearby city-states. They are primarily armed with a spear and shield. Their main tactics are the unique formations of the Kalarmar Imperial Army. They are normally free citizens who are able to afford the armor and weapons to volunteer. Hoplites generally received basic military training but are far superior then the standard militia.

The Pros and Cons of a Hoplite

The hoplite is trained to be as fluid as the sea. Ever changing to suit the needs of combat, they emulate the water as an indomitable tidal wave to a cutting river. Hoplites are based around the ancient style of melee combat utilizing the speed of melee strikes combined with the sturdy defense of a stalwart shield. The hoplite is made for fighting, but he's definitely more than just a solider or military warrior. He comes with his own set of advantages and disadvantages.

Hoplite Assets

When you choose a Hoplite, you have plenty of options for creating an interesting character. Below are several assets you have going for you with a character of this class.

    • High Hit Points: The hoplite's 10-sided Hit Dice give them a strong base for hit points, especially if he has a decent Constitution score.

    • Good Attack Bonus: A hoplite's base attack bonus is +1 per level, which is the best in the game. Thus, a hoplite can take on almost any foe and expect to land effective blows.

    • Good Fortitude Saves: A hoplite uses the best save progression in the game for Fortitude saves (see Table 3-1 in the Player's Handbook). This natural hardiness helps him resist most effects that attack his body, such as poison, polymorphing, and energy draining.

    • Good Weapon Selection: Because he can use any simple or martial weapon, a hoplite is a deadly opponent with just about any weapon in his hand.

    • Good Armor Class: A hoplite is proficient with light and medium armor and every kind of shield including a tower shield. The lack of heavy armor keeps his Armor Class rating from reaching the stratosphere, but a properly equipped hoplite is no slouch when it comes to defense.

    • Quick Movement: A hoplite who isn't carrying a heavy load or wearing heavy armor enjoys a modest boost in speed that helps him cover ground in a hurry.

    • Good Skill Selection: The hoplite has a substantial list of class skills that make him alert, mobile, and self-sufficient.

Hoplite Weaknesses

As with members of any other character class, the hoplite's many advantages come at a price. Here are a few of the disadvantages you should keep in mind if you're considering a hoplite character.

    • Poor Reflex and Will Saves: Fighters have the worst progression for Reflex and Will saves in the game (see Table 3-1 in the Player's Handbook). Thus, they aren't good at avoiding most kinds of magical attacks.

    • Low Skill Points: At a mere three skill points per level, most hoplite's don't accumulate many skill ranks, even with quadruple skill points at 1st level.

    • Code of Conduct: A hoplite must maintain a lawful alignment and vow never to commit an act against his emperor or the kingdom in which the character is in service too. Furthermore, he must always respect legitimate authority. In short, the hoplite lives by laws when most of his enemies do not.