New Magic Items

Magic items can be the trademarks of a legendary campaign setting. They are scraped together from the conquered monsters, and taken from fallen foes. Sometimes they are crafted by the characters themselves or for the character. The most valuable and coveted are the sort that molds an adventure or complements the existence of the character.

In Tellene the arcane and divine spellcasters are creative and resourceful in their creation of magic items. Interesting useful, dangerous, elusive is their magic and the items are exceptional and deserving of merit. Also the magic items described in the D&D 3.5 (d20) Dungeon Master’s guide, might be found as the characters adventure in Tellene, but Wondrous Items, Minor Artifacts, and Major Artifacts are what makes playing Kingdoms of Kalamar fun, and in every adventure these items mold the world as the players become heroes and maybe even more.

"One magic item can do the work of many commoners. No magic item can do the work of a hero."

- Thejvan, Dejy Wizard