Badland Dwarf

The badlands of Tellene are dry and arid, dominated by bleak rocky hills and dust-ridden moorlands. Weird rock formations rise in twisted shapes from the barren earth, and all manner of predators both living and dead prowl these wastelands. Countless tribes of goblinoids have called the badlands home over many centuries; indeed, it is said that there are enough orcs, goblins and hobgoblins in the badlands to form an army big enough to invade the 'World' many times over, if they could only stop fighting between themselves and reliably unite for a common purpose. Unlikely as it sounds, Badland Dwarfs have come to these lands in search of the precious metal known as ‘Mitral', and a very special gems called 'Brightstones'.


Badland Dwarves are a fading people, inheritors of a long history of struggle and turmoil. Only a few now survive and this has made the survivors very cautious. They are a hardy folk and are skilled at surviving in the desert wastes. Some of these dwarves have gone insane, from watching their brothers wither right before their eyes.

Physical Description

Badland dwarves are short and stocky, averaging fewer than 4 feet in height and weighting an average of 180 lbs. Females slightly smaller than males, both in weight and height. For the most part they are physically much like any other dwarf, though they are often battle scared due to their environment. Males grow breads, and their hair is normally a dark color, brown, black is a common shade, eye colors range from light brown to dark almost black, while hazel, or any other light color is extremely rare.


Because of their skill with stone and engineering, Badland Dwarves are acknowledged masters of locating water and digging wells. The importance of water to desert peoples gives the dwarves both great wealth and great political power.


Due to their harsh surroundings Badland Dwarves tend towards chaotic, as they often need to make self-preserving and self-saving discussion that normally are not made by others. Evil and good are few; most are neutral as they often need to keep options open in their daily discussion making which many think are cruel.

Badland Dwarf Lands

Some dwarves have made their homes in the badlands of the desert wastes, where they dig for an entirely different type of treasure—water. Because badlands are usually formed by water erosion, deposits of water sometimes form deep below the surface in quantities that can sustain a settlement for years. In some rare cases, Badland Dwarves tap into subterranean rivers, making these communities attractive stops for merchant caravans and nomad tribes alike.


Faith is important to the Badland Dwarves, and each clan has at least one cleric and/or druid to help guide the clan. Badland Dwarf communities are ruled by the chosen faith and its elder; these dwarves are devoted to their community. Badland Dwarves typically worship the Battle Rager or the The Bear. Those that follow the Battle Rager are courageous, while others follow The Bear because of their strong ties to nature and their survival in their harsh lands.


Badland Dwarves have the some dialect as Desert Dwarves and the same extensive and honored oral history. They have an old written language, but this is mostly used for writing histories much like their desert brethren. They too will not teach their ancient language to outsiders, and prefer to keep that knowledge to themselves. The dwarven language is deep and throaty, composed of many guttural sounds and harsh exclamations. Most non-dwarves get raw throats if they try to speak this dialet of dwarven for more than a few hours.


It should come as no surprise that the Badland Dwarves are nomads and natural survivors. Many adventuring Badland Dwarves have long been explorers and guides, ever since the clans first came to the great desert. They roam the most barren areas of the desert, sometimes even waylaying caravans for supplies and slaves. Fortunately they are not numerous because of the harsh conditions they live in, but these same conditions have ensured that only the strongest and meanest of them have survived for a number of generations.

Souirce Notes: Sandstorm D20