Citadel Of The Bay

Zoa - an overview

The city of Zoa is a metropolis with over 235 million gps in assets, it is situated on a small bay off the Reanaaria Bay and is well built and defended. The average population is 49,400 and the stout walls that surround the city, are 20 feet tall and built by followers of Gaaria (the Founder). The walls are well constructed and contain many stones with small engravings, runes, or prayers to the Founder. Three stout gatehouses guard the paved roads that lead to the city, each filled with militia.

Built directly into the reef, the walls to the east of Zoa tower over the waters of the Reanaaria Bay. A large “sea gate” stands at either end of the coral reef, each at least 100 feet wide and deep enough to allow entrance to the largest ships. An inverted portcullis protects each gate; the militia raises them at night or when the city is under attack, preventing any ship larger than a longboat from entering or leaving. A 100 foot tall statue of Huunaav (The Traveler) stands in the midst of the sea wall, his ancient face looking out toward the sea with a grin.

Most building in Zoa are tall. Most stand three stories high and many rise as high as six. Occasionally, a bridge spans the distance between two building.

Source Note: Root of All Evil, KoK Adventure



Zoa lies along the coast of the bay, and most of its streets lie only a few feet above sea level. Although at a low elevation, the city doesn’t lie entirely flat. Both fortifications – the Citadel and the castle – sit on modest heights built upon natural rises. The citadel’s main entrance is probably 50 feet above sea level, while Castle Zoa’s ground floor rest about 30 feet above sea level. Most of the Citadel District stands 20 to 30 feet above the rest of the city, providing a majestic view for its residents.


Resting as it does on the tip of a peninsula, Zoa is surrounded by rivers and the bays. The largest, of course, is the great Reanaaria Bay. Smaller water sources are described here, the most prominent being notated on the maps in this tome.


The city maintains four aqueducts to provide enough water for its citizens and livestock. These aqueducts carry water in covered stone channels from the hills in the center of the peninsula. These aqueducts lead to cisterns in the districts and from there to individual homes in the citadel District and Coins or to public water supplies in the other districts.

Coldwater River

The Coldwater River enters the city from the north. It widens upriver, approaching a half mile in width at times. Because of its shallowness, it is considered non-navigable to ship. Its flow is quick at its headwaters and still brisk as it enters the city. The Coldwater is clear and, as its name implies, unusually cold considering the city’s southern latitude.

Source Note: KoK, Citadel Of The Bay