Dragon Clan

Population: 3,200,000; humans

(Dragon clan noble caste, 12%; common caste, 88%)

Clan Champion: Togashi Hoshi

(male demideity)

Imports: Foodstuffs

Exports: Gold, wool

Alignment: LN

The Dragon is the most enigmatic and secretive of the Great Clans. For a thousand years, Dragons have lived in virtual seclusion in the high mountains of the Great Wall of the North. They are best known for two things : the mysterious ise zumi order of tattooed monks, and the unusual fighting style of the Mirumoto school, which teaches the use of the katana in one hand and the wakizashi in the other. The ise zumi in particular, but all Dragons at times, are known for protracted silence, evading direct questions, and speaking in riddles.


Early in the War Against the Shadow, the ancient shugenja family of the Dragon clan, the Agasha, seceded from the clan to join the Phoenix clan. Taking the Agasha library with them, the shugenjas of the family moved into the mountains of the Phoenix lands, establishing a new Shiro Agasha high in the mountain peaks. One leader of the family, Agasha Tamori, refused to join the Phoenix, arguing that the Dragon clan preserved an ancient practice of magic that was valuable in its own right and should not be subsumed into the Phoenix approach. Tamori founded a new shugenja school in the deserted Agasha castle, and launched the Dragon's new shugenja family, the Tamori. Although Tamori himselfwas a fire shugenja like most of the Agasha, his daughter, Tamori Shaitung, studied the ways of earth, and has steered the school in that direction since her father's death at Oblivion's Gate.

The departure of the Agasha seems to have fueled a growing arrogance among the Phoenix, and Tamori Shaitung in particular has no patience for the way they boast about their magical power. This tension has become exacerbated in recent years, as seismic activity has increased dramatically in the Dragon .l mountains. Many Dragon refugees have fled to the western edge of the Phoenix lands, settling around the iron Rings Cascade and the Shrine of the Ki-Rin. Once the Phoenix were sure the Lion clan would support them, the situation escalated to outright warfare. The shugenjas of the Phoenix and the fledglingTamori family are at the center of this conflict, while Mirumoto and Lion forces meet on the fields of battle . No end to the conflict is in sight, as Tamori Shaitung and Isawa Taeruko; both powerful earth shugenjas-seem to loathe each other both politically and personally.


The Dragon lands include the highest mountain peaks in Rokugan, stark and snowy but beautiful in their majestic grandeur. However, these mountains are stirring from their serene contemplation and beginning to shake and erupt with lava. Many members of the Dragon clan, particularly the Mirumoto and Kitsuki families, have been forced to leave their ancestral lands, swelling the western Phoenix lands with refugees. Kanawa Taki, the Iron Rings Cascade, is the region where many of these refugees have settled, much to the chagrin of the Phoenix.