City-States of Reanaaria


Zoa - an outsider’s view

"This, large , airy city is one of the richest places on Tellene, or so I hear. Why you should see its busy market – packed with exotic goods from lands even I’ve never of ! I’m sure much smuggling occurs here, but it’s not obvious.”

Zoa - an insider’s view

“Zoa is a wonderful place to live – our climate is warm, our market contains goods from all over Tellene, and our military is strong. What’s that? Yes, the people of the “small town” district – those dwarves and gnomes – have been a little noisy lately. They claim that the council is forcing them to sell their goods for more money, or something like that, it sounds silly to me – complaining that you want to make less money. Still, we welcome all races, as long as they come here with good intentions.”

Source Note: KoK Player's Primer