
Reanaarians are medium in build, often stocky but rarely fat. They are a folk of extremes; they respect hard work, but they enjoy holidays and feasting. They are clever but appear dull and boring to outsiders. They are fascinated with magic but rarely pursue it as a class.

The Reanaarians, like the Brandobians, are inquisitive folk. Just as during the period of their great migration, they explore their current home, the Reanarria Bay area without aims of conquest or glory. They enjoy the beauty of their home and rarely come into conflict with the dwarves, elves, gnomes or halflings who live there.

Reanaarians inhabit the western shores of the bay, leaving the north to Skrrans (Fhokki) and the east to the Dejy. Reanaarians who stray more than 100miles inland are rare.

Reanaarians speak their own language among themselves and prefer others to use it as well, although nearly everycrafsman, artisan, merchant and noble speaks Merchant’s Tongue. Because of the great number of non-humans sharing their cities and neighboring their lands, many reanaarians learn Dwarven, Gnomish, Low Elven or Halfling as well. Low Elevn is a particularly popular choice near Zoa as many Reanaarians in that area share some elven ancestry.

Adventures among the Reanaarians adopt the rogue class more often than any others. Fighters and clerics are less frequently encountered than average, while monks and barbarians are rare. Druids usually hail from the Fautee Forest, the Sotai Gagalia Headlands or the Ka’Asa Mountains. Wizards are uncommon, and sorcerers are rare.

Source Note: KoK, Player's Guide to the Sovereign Lands