Coin of Power

The first Coin of Power was forged by Tirisus the alchemist hunderds of years ago for a Skarrn warrior named Hekkel. Hekkel used the Coin during the battle of Sturrgard in which he and his band of Skarrn mercenaries aided dwarves of the Vrykarrs against raiding giants. Numerous skirmishes occured over a period of many months, composing the Battle of Sturrgard. Accounts of the time tell of the great warrior Hekkel who was able to strike down powerful giants with a frightening bolt of black magical energy that he commanded forth from the Coin hanging from his neck. In the heat of one of the final confrontation, Hekkel was lost. Neither his body nor the Coin were even recovered. Sages speculate that he was consumed by the Coin as payback for the unrighteous power he had released. Since that time, the formula for crafting the Coin has been lost to all but the students of Tirisus. The only known alchemist who presently knows how to craft the Coin of Power is Halann, and Arowain who was resently killed after creating one for Daresh the Wizard.

The Coin houses a malevolent force which bestows the following powers;

Enhanced Power

Black Bolt

On command, the Coin cast forth a black bolt of energy that can kill whomever it strikes. The weilder of the Coin must make a successful ranged touch attack. The victim remains unharmed if they make a successful fortitude roll. The bolt has an effective range 90 ft. and effects any living thing. Anything killed by the black bolt dies an agonizing death by withering; resurrection or raising is impossible, no form of heal of any kind can save the victim. The bolt cann't affect someone holding another Coin. This power can be used once per month and only effects one target. Thoses who make their fortitude save become immune to this effect if exposed at a later date.

Burn Out





Aura: Moderate Necromancy [Death]

Caster Level: 5th

Prerequisties: Craft Wondrous Item and Knowledge Arcana +4. In addition, whoever wants to craft the coin must obtain the information from one of Tirisus's apprentices.

Spells Required: Enervation, Finger of Death.

Material Required: Alchemist's Lab, 2oz. of mithral, a diamaond touched by death, a blue dragon's breath, the blood of a devil spilled by a coward.

Market Price: 20,000 gp +

Weight: 1.5 oz.