Principality of Pekal

Just over 100 years ago. having had enough of the oppressive Kalamar Empire, The Principality of Pekal revolted. Today they are one of the Empire's main political enemies, and have been at war with neighboring Tokis for the last decade. The last two years have seen mostly border skirmishes, but Pekal would surely have been overrun if not for aid from Cilorelon, Paru'Bor and Tharggy, as well as the local spellcasters.

Pekal has a reputation for racial Tolerance and harmony, and many humanoids (halflings, gnomes, and elves) enjoy living here. Adventure in Pekal could come in many forms, through most visit the capital city of Bet Rogala, which boasts more wizards than anywhere else in Tellene. Its College of Magic claims two-dozen instructors and possibly fifty dedicated students at any one time; its graduates often become leaders of city and the nation.

An Outsider’s View

“A tolerant place, with pleasant people and quiet government. As a nation, they are at peace with most of their neighbors, just as the people within the country are at peace with their neighbors. Races, religions, classes … all are welcome here! Trade is minimal, and the climate is not quite a tropical paradise, but for most people it’s a good place to settle down.”

An Insider’s View

“A region of tolerance, the Principality of Pekal is built around the personal legend of Lamnian Endremin. A well-known noble of both human and elven houses, his rule was to be the beginning of racial tolerance and equality. When he died, Prince Kafen took up the dreams that had been built up around him.

The Principality of Pekal itself is well off, but not rich, and we all have to work for a living. Work is good, and taxes are light, so almost everyone has enough to eat. People of all races and clans come here to live in a land where they can choose their friends easily.”