Character Concepts

The below is a list that describes what Character Concept are permitted and are found in "Lord Caladin's Court", Kingdoms of Kalamar campaign setting.

The Character concepts presented below draw their inspiration from archetypal human cultures of martial arts fantasy. As such, though all the concepts can be applied to any character of any race, not all are appropriate for the various non-human races. Each concepts will be noted accordingly for applying to non-humans.

Keep in mind that these concepts are not exclusive for monks but are designed for the monk character base class and requires GM approval for any other class, alt. class or L5R class to use in character creation or developement.

Elf Concept

Elves have a great love for sword play that is instilled in them almost from birth. Many monasteries in the elven lands teach fighting styles that blend the longsword with graceful, high flying kicks and tumbling into a seamless whole. It is common to see elves as Temple Swordsman and uncommon to see them as enormous fatty bulky Former Sumotori.

Dwarf Concept

With their affinity to fisticuff's and their natural hardness, dwarves make for outstanding Pugilists. Occasionally a dwarf will be see following the ways of the Former Sumotori. It is almost never you will see a Eunuch as they would prefer death then such weakness.

Gnome Concept

Out of all the non-human races the gnomes is the least likely to live the life of a monk. But for those that have the Wanderer is the most common. If there would be a second pick the Former Sumotori and the Pugilists would be a strong second.

Halfling Concept

With the natural curiosity of the halfling its almost a perfect match to the Wonderer or Performer, and few halflings can resist such a calling that have become monks. Short of the Sea Pirate there is little uncommon to their race.


The practice of removing one's reproductive organs is a long-standing tradition in Kalamar and other parts of Tellene. Often it is done as a punishment, to insure the end of a traitor's line or, more commonly, to create elite guards, for harems, and the like, who are immune to temptations of the flesh. Other times, the castration is voluntary, a way for the subject to remove the perceived weakness of sexual lust and focus the mind. These voluntary eunuchs occupy or seek to achieve, trusted positions within powerful organizations, gaining considerable influence and wealth in the process. Many eunuchs immerse themselves in a way of the monk, more for the development of subtle mental martial strength then desire for enlightenment.


Eunuchs' single minded pursuit for wealth and power gives them unshakable resolve. They receive the Iron Will feat for free at first level. In addition, they receive permanent +2 insight bonuses to all Sense Motive and Bluff checks relating to members of their own gender.


in Addition to sacrificing their reproductive organs, eunuchs have great trouble understanding the motives and desires of the opposite sex. Eunuchs suffer -4 penalties to all charisma checks involving members of the opposite sex.


Every year hundreds of infants are abandoned on the steps of monasteries around the world, usually because their families are too poor to provide for them. Most temples make it a practice to adopt these cast-offs, teaching them the ways of the order in exchange for years of work and service. (i.e. cooks, gardeners, and general laborers). Since they know no family outside the temple's brotherhood or lifestyle other than the regimented monastic existence, temple orphans spend their formative years concerned only with the quest for self-perfection, honoring their martial skills to a razor's edge.


Temple orphans approached their early monastic training with the utmost dedication. They receive 8 bonus skill points at character creation. 6 points most be spent on monk class skills, and 2 maybe spent on any Profession or Craft skills.


Due to the fact temple Orphans have witnessed so little of the world outside their temple, they are more naive and trusting than they should be. Temple orphans receive a -4 penalty to all bluff, Sense Motive and Intimidate checks. These penalties decreases by 1 every levels (-3/2nd lvl, -2/3rd lvl, -1/4th lvl, 0/5th + lvl)


Not every unarmed fighter comes from a monastery and not every martial arts was developed by monks. Pugilists, or boxers, learn to fight on the streets and hone their skills in countless prize-fights, both legal and illegal. By tradition, boxers are not allowed to kick or strike below the waist, so pugilists rely on their fists and elbows in and outside the fighting pits.


Pugilists are fanatically dedicated to brutal training regimes that dramatically increase their punching power. They gain new unarmed damage dice one level earlier than other monks, receiving their first increase at level three, their second at level seven and so on. Additionally, pugilists understand the value of intimidating their opponents, so Intimidate is a class skill for pugilists.


Since Fighting pits are small, pugilists put less emphasis on mobility and acrobatics then other monks. Pugilists do not receive Tumble as a class skill Additionally, pugilists gain unarmored speed bonuses one level later than other monks receiving their first increase after four monk levels, their second after seven and so on.


Many wanderers are monks who have traded the structured routine of the monastery for the freedom of the open road. Regardless of their origin, all wanderers share a deep, restless passion for discovery, a need to see the land beyond the next hill and to overcome its challenges.


Wanderers are accustomed to life in the wilderness and many can survive there indefinitely. Survival and Knowledge (wilderness lore) are class skills for wanderers. Additionally, at character creation they have 4 bonus skill points which are automatically assigned to wilderness lore.


Wanderers have no use for the niceties of polite society and prefer exploration of the open roads to the contemplation of the soul's pathways. They do not have Diplomacy or Knowledge (arcana) as a class skill. In addition they are required to have maximum ranks in Survival at each level


Work in Progress


Though most orders of monks carefully maintain political neutrality, some grow fearful of their martial strength and mysterious nature, coming to view them as potentially deadly rivals. To eliminate the imagined threat, they subvert the orders with bribery and blackmail, then strike with overwhelming military force, destroying the temples and putting the monks to the sword. Invariably, despite their best efforts, a few monks survive, often due to being overlooked by the attackers or being away from the temple at the time. Fleeing to the wilderness or nearby villages, these monks now become fugitives and disappear for years, even decades, sometime resurfacing to wage war against their betrayers and becoming that deadly threat they so feared and made by their own design.


Fugitive monks are driven to seek vengeance against the organization that destroyed their temple. They may choose a favored enemy as the ranger class, however, the bonus applies only to members of that organization (tribe, gang, cult, military troops, etc. not race or regional) and does not increase as the monk gains levels.


Forced to flee the destruction of their temple before their training was complete, fugitive monks lack the strong base of skills other monks enjoy. They receive only half the normal number of skill points at first level and may assign no more then two ranks to any skill.


As an aid to meditation and a means of practical self defense, monks are taught the use of various weapons. Some monastic orders and family schools take their weapon training a step further selecting a single weapon and training its use to the exclusion of all others Temple Swordsmen are intimates of these orders, philosophical warriors who see their weapons as an extension of their souls.


Temple Swordsmen gain proficiency in any single melee weapon. The selected weapon is considered a special monk weapon, uses the monk's more favorable unarmed attack bonus and can be used with flurry of blows. If the weapon has the exotic properties, the monk gains access to those as well.


In order to hone their exceptional skill with their chosen weapon, Temple Swordsmen forsake all others. They are not, nor may they ever become, proficient in any other melee weapon, even if multiclassed. The only exception to this is a temple swordsmen that studies the "Smoke Sword Style" as a fighting school.


Work in Progress


These are typically secret martial art societies looking to overthrow a government or influencing the political structure to meant a view or goal. Founders of these societies are often fugitive monks who sought out others and started raising up by training armies of martial artists. The societies shrouded their activities under layers of secrets, using passwords, hidden symbols and other material that often died years before with the founder. Some lost sight of their original goals and only the culture of the secrecy remained. Many of these secret societies have become criminal gangs, or religious cults.


Secret Societies must exercise great discretion if they hope to survive. They gain Innuendo as a class skill.


Secret Societies do not have Diplomacy as a class skill.


The martial and performing arts have been intertwined for centuries. The graceful movements and lightning-fast flourishes of most martial art styles are easily adapted to the stage and very appropriate for the myriad plays and operas celebrating the exploits of legendary heroes. Many monk performers are members of opera troupes that specialize in the performance of these legends, trained in the arts that blend acting, dance and martial skill equally, they masterful acrobats but lack the fighting abilities of other monks. Some also find work as street acrobats, eking out a living with impromptu tumbling and weapon display in open air markets and upon corners.


Performers specialize in crowd-pleasing acrobatic displays and impressive, if impractical, weapon flourishes. They receive the Opera Training feat for free. Many are also skilled actors and imitators, so Disguise is a class skill for performers.


Though the performer's weapon and unarmed fighting displays are visually impressive, they are not as effective as the techniques of other martial artists. They improve their unarmed damage dice one level later than normal, with their first increase at fifth level, their second at eighth and so on.


The study of anatomy and physiology is an important component of martial arts. In fact many cultures consider martial artist to be master only if they can heal as easily as they kill, some monasteries and schools serve double duties as hospitals, especially in poor and rural areas. Monks who are particularly skilled healers are somethings referred to as Bonesetters, in a somewhat snide reference to the fact that they spend much of their time healing the broken bones of others, often those they've defeated in challenge matches.


Gifted natural healers, Bonestters have Heal (acupuncture) as a class skill. Additionally, they receive 4 ranks in Heal for free at 1st level.


Bonesetters cannot be of evil alignment. Additionally, their years of diligent training in the healing arts leaves them no time for contemplation of the world at large as Knowledge: Arcana is a cross class skill. Finally Bonesetter are required to maintain the maximum ranks in Heal (acupuncture) at each level.

Source Notes:

Mongoose Publishing - The Quintessential Monk, BOOK SEVEN