
These feats are a generic list and can be chosen by any character who meets the prerequisites at any time in their character's advancement. Feats that have no descriptors at all are, by default, general feats.

Note that in this site, we use several feat descriptors that are not used by other 3.5, d20 sources, so feats that would be General feats in other publications are found in one of the subcategories within the general feat thread.

Skill Tricks

Skill tricks are an exciting way of customizing your character, allowing to perform such cinematic effects as swinging across a chasm hanging from a whip, leaping off a warhorse while swinging a sword, jumping and running up a wall, and other similar actions. Because they require the expenditure of skill points, skill tricks appeal most strongly to members of those character classes that focus on skills but are open to all classes.

The four types of skill tricks are interaction, manipulation, mental, and movement. Each type focuses on a different subset of skills. While any character can learn tricks of any type, members of certain classes favor particular types of tricks (whether due to the class's skill list, the character's areas of expertise, or both).

Interaction: These skill tricks influence social interaction between PCs and NPCs. They typically rely on skills used in those situations, such as Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive. Bards are the most common masters of these skill tricks, but anyone who relies on social interaction to achieve their goals-from bold paladins to boisterous sorcerers-can benefit from them.

Manipulation: A manipulation skill trick depends on the character's manual dexterity to perform some act of legerdemain. Such tricks use skills that employ similar talents, including Disable Device, Open Lock, and Sleight of Hand. Rogues and ninjas often boast a few manipulation tricks in their repertoire.

Mental: These tricks pit the mind and senses of the character against an opponent. Mental tricks focus on skills such as Concentration, Knowledge, and Spot. Since this category includes a wide range of skills, many different characters dabble in such tricks.

Movement: As the name suggests, movement tricks typically involve the character physically moving from one location to another. They use skills that come into play during movement, such as Balance, Jump, Move Silently, and Tumble. Monks, barbarians, and scouts are most likely to learn such tricks, but anyone looking for an edge on the battlefield has something to gain from them.

Learning Skill Tricks

Learning a skill trick costs 2 skill points or 1 feat slot. Whenever you acquire skill points, you can choose to spend skill points to acquire a skill trick instead of purchasing ranks in skills.

You can learn any skill trick, as long as you meet the prerequisite and can afford to expend 2 skill points or 1 feat slot. If you later no longer meet the prerequisite for a skill trick, you can't use it again until you once more qualify.

You can't learn more than one skill trick at any given level, and your total skill tricks cannot exceed one-half your character level (rounded up). Certain feats and prestige class features allow a character to exceed these limits. There is no retraining rules for skill tricks.

You can learn a skill trick only once; you either know it or you don't.