Elven Sub-types

Intense Race of the Wood

Elven races, share a few key features; they are slender and pointed ears grace the sides of their heads. They wears armor with a natural, forest-themed design that appears organic instead of worked and crafted.

Elves are normally guardians of the forests, studying magic and swordplay for the duration of their long lives. Elves come in a thousand varieties, each remote and withdrawn in its prevarication from common races. Very often an elf's behavior disagrees with their alignment, on account of their strange worldview.

An elf is often eccentric and chooses his fixation at a young age and does not thereafter stray from it. The old elven civilizations are long practiced at guiding their youth into fanatical interest in and devotion to ancestral elven ways. These elves are intensely devoted to craftsmanship and the natural world. The Dark Elves of the underworld tend to be Chaotic or Neutral - they are powerfully concerned with their own matters to the exclusion of any external system.

Elven settlements are few, but each is well-established, suggesting some elven diaspora in the past. Elves that mature within the confines of established elven society must become loyal to its culture. Those who will not or cannot must flee the culture. The elves who do grow up under other conditions may adapt themselves to any other philosophy.

List of elven sub-types;

Dark Elf

Moon Elf

Star Elf

Sun Elf