College of Magic - Activities

Characters may interact with the College of Magic in different ways. Some may choose to spend their time studying to advance within one or several schools. Others may concentrate on service to the college in order to gain favors.

  • Register or Enroll at the College of Magic (Enrollment includes Registration).

  • Enrolled students may join an additional School in the College of Magic.

  • Enrolled students may advance in rank within a School.

  • Enrolled students may work at the College (earning 1 favor). The College of Magic is much like any university in that it requires services from its students on an ongoing basis. These services come in many forms, from teachers’ aides to administrative assistants to librarians.

  • Each Activity used to work in the College of Magic earns a favor for the character.

  • Enrolled students may Study within a School. Learning the art of magic and its proper application is time consuming and requires great commitment. Students who do not spend time studying do not advance in ranks in the Schools. When a character elects to study, he should keep a log on which School he studied for. Studying in a school allows the student to scribe one spell from that school into their spellbook, provided they meet the Spellcraft check with a take 10 result. Students may only study in schools to which they belong. The spell scribed should be noted.

  • Enrolled students may spend favors to Craft magical items as an Activity when permitted by their School.

  • Enrolled students may spend favors to gain access to limited items, spells, feats, or prestige classes.

  • Enrolled students may scribe spells into their spellbooks using the normal rules and access provided by their enrolled School(s) provided they meet the Spellcraft check with a take 10 result. The student must pay all costs. The student may scribe as many spell levels as his total ranks in Spellcraft for each Activity spent.

  • SPECIAL –Characters may gain special favors (influence) from the College as part of normal play. These favors may be spent as noted, but may also require spending an Activity to do so.