The Field Mother


The Field Mother is a kind and jolly being who encourages her clerics to make strangers feel as welcome as a long lost friend. Her clerics love to see good things grow and prosper be it plant or person. Fertility of the land is a primary concern since it means that the people will prosper. Therefore, the religion revolves around agriculture and the harvest, which allows her worshippers to have a steady and happy life.

The Friends of the Field are cheerful people, well known for their kindness and generosity. The Field Mother expects them to work amongst the commoners blessing seeds in the spring and infants year round. They often serve as midwives, even the male members of the clergy. They are often of great help to horse-breeders, tanners, herbalists and woodcutters, as well as the more popular ranchers, fishers and farmers.

The Bringer of Life and her clerics fiercely hate undead since they desecrate and mock everything the Church of the Life’s Fire represents. The Friends of the Fields are generally not willing participants in any wars; they prefer a life of peace. However, as it is necessary to protect the masses and to combat the Congregation of the Dead, they must be skilled in battle. The Friends of the Field are not afraid to destroy those that threaten the lives of their flock.

Like her clerics, worshippers of Mother Tellene are common and simple folk and the religion reflects this. Followers tend to have many children and willingly care for orphans, as well. The Raiser’s people become angered to see fields, children or animals neglected. They make every effort to correct these situations and work to help those responsible for the negligence to improve their ways.

Adventures: Friends of the Fields generally adventure by necessity. They respond to direct threats, such as humanoid raiding on the borders of society and subterranean threats to crops such as ankhegs and bullettes, but when circumstances dictate, they can be very aggressive in pursuing threats beyond the immediate area. A key element of the faith is the requirement of modesty in these endeavors. If the common folk they protect know about the dangers, they become troubled by worry and fear. On the other hand, the appearance of inactivity in the face of danger might cause the faith to lose potential converts or even existing worshippers. “There was a problem,” says a Friend of the Fields, “but I fixed it.” The statement might mean that he repaired a broken fence through which sheep were escaping, or single-handedly destroyed a pack of werewolves.

Characteristics: Friends of the Fields are agricultural advisors as well as spiritual advisors, and strive to excel in a great number of fields. Their skills make them good teachers, and their ability to fight for the common folk is a blessing.

Background: This faith is common to rural workers of all kinds. When the common folk aspire to be a cleric, a Friend of the Fields is often the only example of the class they know. Characters who become Friends of the Fields usually have the respect of their neighbors before they even take up the faith.

Races: Humans, halflings, and elves are the most prominent Friends of the Fields. Among gnomes, forest gnomes are the most common. Dwarves and hobgoblins rarely worship the Raiser exclusively, although all races seem to propitiate her to a lesser or greater degree.

Relations With Other Classes: Friends of the Fields work well with druids (masters of wild beasts and plants), even though the individual holy men involved might not see eye to eye on theological matters. They work well with infiltrators, rangers and, surprisingly, monks. A Friend of the Fields often advises a local monastery in their agrarian pursuits, allowing them to devote the maximum time possible to prayer and meditation.

Relations With Undead: Clerics must destroy undead, and those that associate with them, at all costs. Animating, creating, or associating with undead may bring excommunication from the church. The faith allows for little flexibility with this rule.

Role: Friends of the Fields are the undisputed masters of settled rural lands. Even few druids claim the same knowledge of field and paddock, plough and hoe. Friends of the Fields are advisors and protectors of all those who rely on grown or cultivated food or crops for their livelihood. This broad base makes for a numerous and powerfully influential priesthood.