Challengers of Fate

Clerics and followers of Old Lucky are aggressive in nature. All clerics train in the finer skills of thievery and gambling, and make challenges or bets on a daily basis just for the sake of doing so. Sometimes Challengers take these bets simply to put others into a risky situation. A dare gone badly can sometimes be remedied by a cleric of Risk, as they are rarely intentionally malicious.

The Challengers of Fate are firm believers in taking advantage of any opportunity to gain something, and they believe that the early bird catches the worm. Thus, when adventuring, clerics of Risk rise early on the first day of the week and steal something. They enjoy taking full advantage of the hospitality of others to set them up as the victims of a con. A Challenger’s main goal is to dupe her victim, leaving him none-the-wiser.

Old Lucky never grants favors to his clergy or followers without a dare or bet being involved. He rewards worshippers for taking chances, regardless of the outcome. The Church of Chance runs legal and illegal gambling houses and controls many thieves’ guilds.

Adventures: Challengers of Fate are drawn to the danger of adventuring – a test of their skills, luck and fate. The great risks, balanced by the imminent threat of death, maiming and tragedy, create an irresistible lure for any Challenger.

Characteristics: Challengers of Fate may be relatively weak combatants in comparison to a fighter, but they believe it makes life a greater challenge. They dislike spells that give them a guaranteed chance of success, but they do like to increase odds in their favor.

Background: Challengers of Fate typically hail from poor urban populations, although this stereotype is not always the case. Regardless, they are often born at a disadvantage; they might have been from a minority race or culture, or born into slavery or oppression.

Races: This class appeals strongly to halflings, humans and half-orcs – all lovers of chaos and chance. Dwarves and hobgoblins dislike the lack of structure and feel disoriented without an openly strong organization to encourage their growth.

Relations With Other Classes: Challengers of Fate admire rogues, who are often risk-takers. Fighters with flashy combat styles impress them, as do spellcasters who cast powerful spells with unpredictable results. Sorcerers that batter their opponents with endless magic missiles are considered dull and useless.

Relations With Undead: The raising or use of undead poses no dogmatic issues for the cleric and risks no sanctions. However, clerics should not recklessly associate with undead, but do so only for purposes of helping the faith or its worshippers.

Role: In an adventuring party, Challengers of Fate provide sound advice on a party’s “best” chance of success, but this means “makes for the best story later” rather than “most likely to bring victory.” Challengers of Fate like to throw levers, push buttons and taste potions. When spellcasting, they prefer spells with multiple options (like summon monster) or spells that reduce an enemy’s options (like slow), over spells that merely provide numerical bonuses.