Tactical Feats

Tactical feats are all about setting up combinations of action in sequence for a greater benefit. For the most part they require you to take an action and follow it up in a specific manner. In general, they give you three different options, such as new maneuvers for you to take in combat. A few offer movement or interaction perks.


Through a combination of sheer muscle and mystical acumen, you can deliver devastating smite attacks.

Prerequisites: Smite ability, Power Attack, base attack bonus +6

Benefit: This feat allows the use of three tactical maneuvers, each of which requires that you make a smite attack while using the Power Attack feat (minimum attack penalty –1). You must declare the use of this feat before making the attack roll. You can employ only one of these maneuvers at a time.

Demolishing Smite: Your smite attack punches through your enemy’s defenses. For the purpose of this single attack, you can ignore a number of points of damage reduction (except DR/— or DR/epic) up to twice your Charisma bonus (if any). For instance, if your Charisma is 17 (+3 bonus), you ignore 6 points of your target’s damage reduction when making a demolishing smite.

Overwhelming Smite: Your smite attack can knock an opponent prone. If the attack hits and deals damage, it is treated as though it were also a trip attack. Make a Strength check opposed by the defender’s Strength or Dexterity, with all the normal trip modifi ers (PH 158). A foe that resists is not entitled to make a trip attempt against you in return. You can attempt an overwhelming smite only once per round.

Seeking Smite: Your smite attack is uncannily guided to its target. For the purpose of this single attack, you ignore any miss chance your foe might have, though your weapon must still be able to strike the target. Thus, while this maneuver allows you to strike an incorporeal creature unerringly with a magic sword, it does not allow you to strike it with a nonmagical weapon.


Your fighting instincts grant you a sophisticated blend of defensive techniques and controlled attacks.

Prerequisite: Human, base attack bonus +6, born and raised in Kalamar Empire

Benefit: Battle Training enables the use of three tactical maneuvers when you fight.

Tiring Defense: To use this maneuver, you must use the Combat Expertise feat (taking a penalty of at least -2 on your attack rolls) or fight defensively for 2 consecutive rounds. Any creature that attempts a melee attack against you in both rounds but fails to hit you becomes fatigued, provided that you successfully strike the creature with a melee attack at least once during those 2 rounds. This effect continues for as long as you use Combat Expertise (taking a penalty of at least -2 on your attack rolls) or fight defensively. Creatures that were already fatigued before they attacked you must make melee attacks against you and miss for 4 consecutive rounds before becoming exhausted (just as if they had not been fatigued).

Exploit Weakness: To use this maneuver, you must make a melee attack against a creature suffering from one of the following conditions: fatigued, exhausted, dazed, or dazzled. If you hit with your melee attack, you deal an extra 1d6 points of damage. You cannot use this maneuver during a round in which you also use Combat Expertise or fight defensively.

Riposte: To use this maneuver, you must use Combat Expertise (taking a penalty of at least -2 on your attack rolls) or fight defensively. When a foe uses a full attack action against you but fails to hit you, you can make an extra melee attack against that foe as an immediate action.

Special: Battle Training and Ragewild Fighting are inimical to each other; no character can have both tactical feats. If a character chooses to take one of these feats while already having the other, he gains the benefits of the new feat but forever loses access to the first and does not gain a new feat to replace it.


You have mastered techniques for taking full advantage of spells in melee while remaining unharmed.

Prerequisite: Combat Casting, Base attack bonus +1, caster level 1st

Benefit: The Battlecaster Defense feat allows the use of three tactical maneuvers while spellcasting in melee.

Defensive Targeting: To use this maneuver, you must use the defensive casting option to cast a spell with a range of touch. If you successfully deliver the spell (that is, you succeed on the melee touch attack) on an enemy who threatens you while you cast it, you gain a +2 bonus on any touch attack you make against that enemy on your next turn.

Practiced Defense: When you successfully cast a spell defensively in 2 consecutive rounds, you gain a +10 bonus on any Concentration check made to cast a spell defensively in the next round. Safe

Retreat: When you successfully cast a spell defensively, your movement on your next turn doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity from any creatures that were threatening you when you cast defensively. (The movement still provokes attacks of opportunity from other creatures normally.)


You cunningly mix melee combat and spellcasting to increase the potency of both.

Prerequisite: Spellcraft 4 ranks, Base attack bonus +1, Combat Casting or warmage edge

Benefit: The Battlecaster Offense feat allows the use of two tactical maneuvers.

Spell and Sword: If you deal damage to a foe with a spell, you gain a +1 bonus on your first melee attack roll made against that foe in the next round.

Sword and Spell: If you make a melee attack against a foe, you gain a +1 bonus to the save DC of the first spell you use against that foe in the next round. This bonus applies only against the foe or foes you attacked, not against any other creatures affected by the spell.


You have learned to take complete advantage of the animal forms you can assume.

Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +4, wild shape class feature

Benefit: This feat allows the use of three tactical maneuvers, each of which requires that you attempt a charge attack in the round immediately following your shift into animal form using wild shape. If you have the Swift Wild Shape feat (page 62), you can attempt the charge in the same round as you change forms.

Pouncing Charge: You can make a full attack after you charge, as if you had the pounce ability (MM 313). If the animal form you have assumed normally has the pounce ability, your bonus on attack rolls when charging increases to +3.

Striking Charge: For the purpose of this charge attack only, you gain an extra 5 feet of reach by suddenly striking forward with your head and neck. You must assume a serpentine animal form to employ this maneuver.

Twisting Charge: You can change direction during a charge, as long as you move at least 10 feet both before and after you turn. You must assume an animal form with four or more legs to employ this maneuver.

Normal: You can make only a single attack after charging, with a +2 bonus on attack rolls. You can charge only in a straight line.


You throw yourself into the fray, using your spiked armor and spiked shield to tear your opponents to pieces.

Prerequisite: Power Attack, Weapon Focus (spiked armor), Weapon Focus (spiked shield), STR 13, base attack bonus +6, Proficiency with spiked armor and spiked shields

Benefit: The Blood-Spiked Charger feat grants you access to three special tactical maneuvers.

Spiked Avalanche: When you are using the charge action while wearing spiked armor and carrying either a spiked shield or nothing in your hands, you throw yourself into the air, transforming yourself into a deadly, spiked projectile. A successful attack with either your spiked shield or your spiked armor deals extra damage equal to twice your Strength bonus. You can attack with both your spiked armor and a spiked shield on this charge, each one benefiting from the Strength bonus, but you take the normal penalties for using two weapons.

Spiked Rebuke: When you are fighting defensively and carrying a spiked shield, you lash out at your foes with your shield in response to their attacks. Determine what your AC would be without your spiked shield and the AC bonus for fighting defensively. If an opponent's attack hits against this lower AC but misses against your actual AC, the foe strikes your shield, allowing you to deflect his attack in such a way as to leave him vulnerable to your counter. On your next action, you gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls against your chosen foe with your spiked shield.

Spiked Slam: As a full-round action when you are wielding a spiked shield, you can opt to make only a single attack at your best base attack bonus. You brace yourself behind your spiked shield, drive yourself forward, and slam into your foe. You enter your foe's space, which provokes attacks of opportunity. In return, your attack deals extra damage equal to twice your Strength and an additional amount based on your size (see below). After making this attack, you stumble back into the square you occupied just before making this attack. Until the start of your next turn, you do not threaten any squares.

Size/Additional Damage







Special: A fighter can select Blood-Spiked Charger as one of his fighter bonus feats.


Your extensive training with two-handed weapons is revealed through brutally effective tactics.

Prerequisite: Power Attack, Str 13, Base attack bonus +3

Benefit: Brute Fighting enables the use of three tactical maneuvers.

Combat Momentum: If you deal damage to a foe with a charge attack made with a two-handed weapon and that opponent then fails to hit you before your next turn, you gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls against that opponent on your next turn.

Dispatch the Fallen: If you successfully bull rush or overrun a foe, any melee attack you make against that foe with a two-handed weapon on your next turn gains a +4 bonus on damage rolls.

Frenzied Attack: If you hit a foe with a two-handed weapon at least once on two consecutive turns during which you use the Power Attack feat (taking at least a -2 penalty on attack rolls), you gain a +2 bonus on all attack rolls you make with that weapon against the same foe for the rest of the round.


Fighting from the back of a steed is second nature to you.

Prerequisite: Mounted Combat, Spirited Charge, Trample, base attack bonus +6

Benefit: The Cavalry Charger feat enables the use of three tactical maneuvers.

Unhorse: To use this maneuver, you must be mounted and charge a mounted foe. If your charge attack hits, you may make a free bull rush attempt. If the bull rush attempt succeeds, you move your foe normally, but his mount remains where it was.

Leaping Charge: To use this maneuver, you must be mounted and charge a foe at least one size category smaller than your mount. Make a Ride check at the conclusion of the move portion of the charge action. Prior to making the roll, determine the DC of the check: either DC 10 for a chance to deal 2 extra points of damage or DC 20 for a chance to deal 4 extra points of damage. If you fail this Ride check, you miss your target (no attack roll) and if you fail this Ride check by 5 or more, you miss your target and fall off your mount, landing in a square adjacent to the mount's space.

Fell Trample: You can make mounted overrun attempts against more than one foe, resolving each attempt according to the rules. Your mount gets a hoof attack against each foe you successfully overrun.

Special: A fighter may select Cavalry Charger as one of his fighter bonus feats.


You employ strength and leverage to great effect in battle.

Prerequisite: Improved Sunder, Power Attack, base attack bonus +6

Benefit: The Combat Brute feat enables the use of three tactical maneuvers.

Advancing Blows: To use this maneuver, you must make a successful bull rush attempt against a foe. During the next round, all your attacks against that foe gain a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls for each square your bull rush moved that foe. For example, if you pushed an orc back 10 (2 squares) feet with a bull rush, you would gain a +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls against that orc on the following round.

Sundering Cleave: To use this maneuver, you must destroy a foe's weapon or shield with a successful sunder attempt (see page 158 of the Player's Handbook). If you do so, you gain an immediate additional melee attack against the foe. The additional attack is with the same weapon and at the same attack bonus as the attack that destroyed the weapon or shield.

Momentum Swing: To use this maneuver, you must charge a foe in the first round, and you must make an attack using your Power Attack feat in the second round. The penalty you take on your attack roll must be -5 or worse. Your attacks during the second round gain a bonus equal to your attack roll penalty x 1-1/2, or x 3 if you're using a two-handed weapon or a one-handed weapon wielded in two hands. For instance, if you choose to take a -6 penalty on your attack roll, you can deal an extra 9 points of damage, or an extra 18 points if you're using a two-handed weapon or a one-handed weapon wielded in two hands.

Special: A fighter may select Combat Brute as one of his fighter bonus feats.


You are adept at turning your cloak into a vital part of your combat repertoire. By twirling it about you, sweeping it over enemies, and using it to conceal your weapon, you can catch an opponent by surprise.

Prerequisite: Combat Expertise, Dodge, Dex 15, Int 13, base attack bonus +6

Benefit: The Combat Cloak Expert feat grants you access to three special tactical maneuvers. You must wear a cloak in order to utilize them.

Cloak Defense: While you are fighting defensively, you can use your cloak to confuse your foes. You hold it before your chest like a curtain, making it difficult for enemies to read your defensive moves. Your cloak grants you a +1 shield bonus to AC. If you use the total defense action, your cloak's shield bonus improves to +2. (Shield bonuses do not stack.)

Cloaked Strike: You can use your cloak to hide a light weapon. To utilize this maneuver, on the first round you must move adjacent to an opponent while you do not have a weapon in either hand. On the second round, you make a Bluff check opposed by your foe's Sense Motive check as you use a move action to draw your weapon. If this check succeeds, your opponent loses either his Dexterity bonus to AC or his shield bonus to AC (your choice) until the end of your current turn.

Whirling Cloak: You can attempt to use your cloak to confuse your opponent. As a move action after successfully striking an opponent in melee, make a melee touch attack against that foe. If this attack hits, you whirl your cloak around him, temporarily ruining his defenses. Your opponent cannot make attacks of opportunity against a particular ally of your choice until the start of his next turn.

Special: A fighter can select Combat Cloak Expert as one of his fighter bonus feats.


Your glowing personality and sharp performance abilities allow you to navigate the battlefield on sheer chutzpah alone. While others rely on swords and armor, you use your cutting wit and ability to manipulate others.

Prerequisite: Bluff 8 ranks, Intimidate 8 ranks, Perform 8 ranks

Benefit: The Combat Panache feat grants you access to three special tactical maneuvers.

Fortuitous Tumble: For a brief moment, you appear to let your guard down. As your foe swings at you, you slip out of the way, causing his attack to slam into one of his allies. By positioning yourself correctly and making yourself an appealing target, you dupe your foe into making a critical blunder. To use this maneuver, you must be successfully attacked by a foe. On your next turn, you can take a move action to make a Bluff check opposed by his Sense Motive check. If you succeed on the check, you can take an immediate action at the start of your foe's next turn and designate a different target for your opponent's next melee attack (which must be a creature it threatens).

Play Dead: You crumple to the ground as if slain, luring your opponent into a false sense of security. As an immediate action after you are hit for at least 10 points of damage by a single attack, you can attempt to play dead. You drop prone and make a Bluff check opposed by your attacker's (or any other relevant observer's) Sense Motive check. If you succeed on this check, the observer assumes you are dead. If you subsequently rise and attack him in the same round, he loses any attack of opportunity he might have been entitled to against you, and he loses his Dexterity bonus to AC against the first attack that you make. You can use this ability once per encounter. Standing up after playing dead does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Sneering Glower: With just the right mix of your intimidating presence and your martial talents, you strike such fear into your target that he has difficulty fighting you effectively. On your next turn after you deal at least 1 point of damage to your opponent, you can make an Intimidate check against him as a move action. If you succeed on this check, your foe takes a penalty on his attack rolls against you equal to your Charisma bonus. You can gain this benefit against only one foe at a time; it lasts for the duration of the encounter or until you switch targets. If you designate a new target for this ability (by attempting a new Intimidate check against a different creature), the previous target no longer takes the penalty on his attack rolls against you. Opponents that are immune to the effects of the Intimidate skill, such as mindless creatures and those with immunity to fear, are immune to this maneuver.

Special: A fighter can select Combat Panache as one of his fighter bonus feats.


You excel when battling foes bigger than you are.

Prerequisites: Small or smaller, Tumble 10 ranks, Underfoot Combat

Benefit: This feat allows you to perform any of the following three maneuvers.

Knee Striker: To use this maneuver, you must first move into a square occupied by a foe at least two size categories larger than you. On the next round, the foe is automatically considered flat-footed against your attacks, and you gain a +4 bonus on any roll you make to confirm a critical hit.

Underfoot Defense: To use this maneuver, you must first move into a square occupied by a foe at least two size categories larger than you. On any succeeding round in which you remain in the foe’s square and fight defensively, use total defense, or use Combat Expertise (minimum –1 penalty on attack rolls), any melee or ranged attack made against you has a 50% chance to strike the foe whose square you occupy instead. This chance does not apply to attacks made by the creature whose square you occupy.

Unsteady Footing: To use this maneuver, you must first move into a square occupied by a foe at least two size categories larger than you. On the next round, you can use a standard action to attempt to trip your foe without provoking attacks of opportunity. If your touch attack to initiate the trip attack succeeds, you can attempt a Strength or Dexterity check (your choice) opposed by your foe’s Strength or Dexterity check (as normal) to trip your foe. Your foe may not add any bonus on his Strength or Dexterity check to avoid the trip that he would gain from his size. If your trip check fails, your opponent may not attempt to trip you. If you have Improved Trip, you can follow a successful trip attempt with an immediate melee attack.


You are adept at moving through and fighting in crowds.

Prerequisites: Hide 5 ranks, Dodge

Benefit: The Crowd Tactics feat enables the use of three tactical maneuvers. You only gain these benefits if the crowd is indifferent or friendly.

Moving with the Flow: Entering a square with a crowd in it does not cost you extra movement.

One with the Crowd: You gain a +4 bonus on Hide checks made in square with a crowd.

Master of the Mob: You gain a +4 bonus on Diplomacy or Intimidate checks when attempting to direct a crowd.


You have studied the martial dance of the.

Prerequisite: Path of Shadows, Perform (dance) 8 ranks, base attack bonus +4

Benefit: Dancing with Shadows enables the use of three tactical maneuvers. You can only benefit from one of these maneuvers in any given round.

Flowing Motion, Still Mind: To use this maneuver, you must use the Combat Expertise feat (taking a penalty of at least -2 on your attack rolls) or fight defensively for 1 round. Starting on your next turn, you gain a +2 bonus on Will saves that lasts as long as you continue to use Combat Expertise or fight defensively, plus 1 round thereafter.

Graceful Lunge: To use this maneuver, you must use Combat Expertise (taking a penalty of at least -2 on your attack rolls) or fight defensively for 1 round. In the next round, you gain a bonus on your first melee attack roll equal to the dodge bonus to AC granted by Combat Expertise or fighting defensively in the previous round.

Lingering Defense: To use this maneuver, you must use the Combat Expertise feat (taking a penalty of at least -2 on your attack rolls) or fight defensively for 2 consecutive rounds. In the next round, you continue to receive the same dodge bonus to AC gained from Combat Expertise or fighting defensively, but you take no penalty on attack rolls.


An initiate of the Setting Sun sometimes learns a set of combat maneuvers that combine to create the Distant Horizon fighting form. This form teaches you how to recognize an opponent's weaknesses in the current moment, as well as in the future. A blow struck now ruins an opponent's defenses against your next volley of attacks.

Prerequisite: Falling Sun Attack, Int 13, Base attack bonus +6, two Setting Sun maneuvers

Benefit: The Distant Horizon feat enables the use of three tactical options.

Continued Push: To use this option, you must move an opponent at least 5 feet with a bull rush attack or a Setting Sun strike. On your next turn, you gain a +4 bonus on any Strength, Dexterity, or grapple checks you make against that foe.

Turn the Tables: To use this option, a foe must charge you and either miss you with his charge attack or be unable to attempt the attack (perhaps because of your use of a maneuver). On your next turn, you can make a charge attack against that foe even if you cannot move more than 5 feet. You can also make a charge attack against that enemy even if you cannot charge in a straight line.

Lasting Weak Spot: To use this option, you must hit a foe that you flank with at least two melee attacks on your turn. On your next turn, as a standard action, you can make a single melee attack against your foe with a -2 penalty. If this attack hits, your foe takes an extra 1 point of damage from every melee attack that hits him for the next minute.


Your study of the ways of the scorpion grants you specia I tactics.

Prerequisite: Drow Skirmisher, Base attack bonus +4, Drow, region of origin The Underdark

Benefit: The Drow Scorpion Warrior feat enables the use of three tactical maneuvers.

Deadly Sting: To use this maneuver, you must score a critical hit with either a drow long knife or a drow scorpion chain against a living creature. Your next attack against the same target with the same weapon (which must be made before the end of your next lurn) gains a +2 bonus on the attack roll and deals ld4 points of Constitution damage in addition to the normal damage dealt.

Lunging Sting: To use this maneuver, you must make a charge attack with a drow scorpion chain against a foe. If you hit, that opponent takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls against you until the start of your next turn.

Rending Sting: To use this maneuver, you must hit the same target with two different drow long knives, in the same round - In the next round, you deal an additional 1d4 points of damage with your drow long knife attacks against that target.

EINHANDER [Tactical]

You excel at wielding a one-handed weapon while carrying nothing in your off hand.

Prerequisite: Tumble 6 ranks, base attack bonus +6

Benefit: If you are fighting with a one-handed weapon or a light weapon and carrying nothing in your off hand, the Einhander feat grants you access to three special tactical maneuvers.

Narrow Profile: You can tuck your arm behind your back and offer a narrow profile when you concentrate on defense rather than offense. You gain an additional +2 dodge bonus to AC when fighting defensively or using the total defense action.

Off-Hand Balance: You use your off hand to balance yourself while performing acrobatic maneuvers. After you successfully strike an opponent, you gain a +2 bonus on Tumble checks to avoid his attacks of opportunity until the start of your next turn. When you flip and roll out of harm's way, you use one hand to keep your balance and your other hand to keep your weapon trained on your foe.

Off-Hand Swap: With a flourish, you flip your weapon into the air, catch it in your off hand, and continue to press the attack. When you use this maneuver, you must first take a full attack action to strike an opponent at least twice. On your next turn, you can make a special feint as a free action, using Sleight of Hand rather than Bluff. Your opponent uses the standard rules for resisting a feint. Once you use this maneuver against a particular opponent, whether it succeeds or fails, you cannot use it against him again.

Special: A fighter can select Einhander as one of his fighter bonus feats.


Trying to land a blow against you can be a maddening experience.

Prerequisites: Dodge, Mobility, base attack bonus +6

Benefit: The Elusive Target feat enables the use of three tactical maneuvers.

Negate Power Attack: To use this maneuver, you must designate a specific foe to be affected by your Dodge feat. If that foe uses the Power Attack feat against you, the foe gains no bonus on the damage roll but still takes the corresponding penalty on the attack roll.

Diverting Defense: To use this maneuver, you must be flanked and you must designate one of the flanking attackers to be affected by your Dodge feat. The first attack of the round from the designated attacker automatically misses you and may strike the other flanking foe instead; the attacking creature makes an attack roll normally, and its ally is considered flatfooted. If the designated attacker is making a full attack against you, its second and subsequent attacks function normally.

Cause Overreach: To use this maneuver, you must provoke an attack of opportunity from a foe by moving out of a threatened square. If the foe misses you, you can make a free trip attempt against this foe, and the foe does not get a chance to trip you if your attempt fails.


You have learned to combine multiple energy effects to great advantage.

Prerequisite: Spell Focus, caster level 3rd

Benefit: The Energy Gestalt feat enables the use of three tactical maneuvers. In every case, you must deal damage to one or more subjects with a pair of energy-based spells you cast in 2 successive rounds.

Acrid Fumes: You cast an acid spell followed by a fire spell. The flames of your second spell turn some of the lingering acid into choking, sickening fumes. Any living creature damaged by both spells is nauseated for 1 round. Those who make a successful Fortitude save (DC based on the second spell) are sickened for 1 round instead. Treat this as a poison effect for the purpose of save bonuses and immunities.

Brittle Blast: You cast a cold spell followed by a sonic spell. Any object or construct damaged by both spells takes +50% damage from the sonic spell, because its physical structure has been made brittle by the cold.

Improved Conduction: You cast a cold spell followed by an electricity spell. The lingering cold more effectively conducts the electricity, temporarily fatiguing creatures. Living creatures damaged by both spells are slowed for 1 round (as the slow spell). Creatures that make successful Fortitude saves (DC based on the second spell) are fatigued for 1 round.


You are trained at fighting in ranks and files.

Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +6

Benefit: The Formation Expert feat enables the use of three tactical maneuvers. You gain the benefit of the feat even if you are fighting in formation with allies that do not have this feat.

Lock Shields: To use this maneuver, you must have a ready shield, and adjacent allies on opposite sides of you must have ready shields. You gain a +1 bonus to Armor Class.

Step into the Breach: To use this maneuver, you must be within a single move of an ally who falls in combat, and an ally must occupy every square between you and the fallen comrade. You can immediately take a single move action (as if you had readied an action to do so) to move into the square the fallen ally occupies.

Wall of Polearms: To use this maneuver, you must be wielding a shortspear, longspear, trident, glaive, guisarme, halberd, or ranseur, and you must have adjacent allies wielding weapons identical to yours on opposite sides of you. You gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls.

Special: A fighter may select Formation Expert as one of his fighter bonus feats.

GIANTBANE [Tactical]

You are trained in fighting foes larger than you are.

Prerequisite: Tumble 5 ranks, base attack bonus +6, Medium or smaller size

Benefit: The Giantbane feat enables the use of three tactical maneuvers.

Duck Underneath: To use this maneuver, you must have taken a total defense action, then have been attacked by a foe at least two size categories larger than you. You gain a +4 dodge bonus to your Armor Class, which stacks with the bonus for total defense. If that foe misses you, on your next turn, as a free action, you may make a DC 15 Tumble check. If the check succeeds, you move immediately to any unoccupied square on the opposite side of the foe (having successfully ducked underneath your foe). If there is no unoccupied square on the opposite side of the foe or you fail the Tumble check, you remain in the square you are in and have failed to duck underneath your foe.

Death from Below: To use this maneuver, you must have successfully used the duck underneath maneuver. You may make an immediate single attack against the foe you ducked underneath. That foe is treated as flat-footed, and you gain a +4 bonus on your attack roll.

Climb Aboard: To use this maneuver, you must move adjacent to a foe at least two size categories larger than you. In the following round, you may make a DC 10 Climb check as a free action to clamber onto the creature's back or limbs (you move into one of the squares the creature occupies). The creature you're standing on takes a -4 penalty on attack rolls against you, because it can strike at you only awkwardly. If the creature moves during its action, you move along with it. The creature can try to shake you off by making a grapple check opposed by your Climb check. If the creature succeeds, you wind up in a random adjacent square.

Special: A fighter may select Giantbane as one of his fighter bonus feats.


You have learned to manipulate the energies of the divine to great martial effect.

Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +4, ability to spontaneously cast cure or inflict spells, ability to turn or rebuke undead.

Benefit: This feat allows you the use of two of the four following tactical maneuvers. The first two maneuvers are available only if you channel positive energy, while the latter two are available only if you channel negative energy.

Balance of Life: The positive energy you channel when healing temporarily bolsters you physically. To use this maneuver, you must first cast a cure spell, then attempt either a melee attack or a Strength-based check in the following round. You gain a bonus on that attack roll or check equal to the level of the cure spell cast.

Conduit of Life: Two conduits of positive energy (turning and healing) reinforce each other, making your cure spells more potent. To use this maneuver, you must first attempt to turn undead, then make an attack with a cure spell (or other positive energy spell) against an undead creature in the following round. You gain a bonus on your damage roll for the spell equal to one-half the result of the initial turning check, and the save DC increases by an amount equal to your Charisma bonus (if any). If you roll a natural 20 on your attack roll when delivering the spell (assuming one is necessary) and the target fails its save, the spell deals double damage.

Conduit of Death: Two conduits of negative energy (rebuking and dealing damage) reinforce each other, making your inflict spells more potent. To use this maneuver, you must first attempt to rebuke undead, then make an attack with an inf ict spell (or other negative-energy spell) against a living creature in the following round. You gain a bonus on your damage roll for the spell equal to one-half the result of the initial turning check, and the save DC increases by an amount equal to your Charisma bonus (if any). Furthermore, the critical threat range of the attack increases by 1.

Touch of Death: The negative energy you channel lingers, increasing the severity of the wounds you inflict. To use this maneuver, you must first cast an inflict spell, then attempt a melee attack against a living creature in the following round. If the attack hits, it deals extra damage equal to twice the level of the inflict spell cast.


Prerequisites: Weapon Focus (spear), Weapon Specialization (spear), Shield Specialization, Active Shield Defense, base attack bonus +6

Benefit: You gain access to three new combat options:

Spear and Shield: You may use a spear as a one-handed weapon while also wearing a shield. While wearing a shield, you may set your spear against a charge as a Move action.

Reach Attack: Using your shield to cover a motions that would otherwise leave you vulnerable, you thrust your spear at a distant foe. While wearing a shield and wielding a spear, you may make a single attack with your spear at +5 ft. range as a Standard action.

Phalanx Ward: Used in conjunction, your spear and shield are a potent defense against charging foes. While wearing a shield and wielding a spear, you may both make an attack of opportunity and also a Reflex save to avoid the effect of a trample or overrun attack. You always get an attack of opportunity against foes who attempt to bull rush or grapple you, even if their feats normally don't allow you one.


You know martial arts techniques inspired by hunting birds.

Prerequisites: Wis 13, Jump 5 ranks, base attack bonus +6

Benefit: The Raptor School feat enables the use of three tactical maneuvers.

Eagle’s Swoop: To use this maneuver, you must charge a foe or jump down on your enemy from at least 10 feet up. Make a Jump check as a free action immediately before your next attack. Prior to making the roll, determine the DC of the check: either DC 15 for a chance to deal 2 extra points of damage or DC 25 for a chance to deal 4 extra points of damage. If you fail this Jump check, you miss your target, and if you fail this Jump check by 5 or more, you fall prone in an adjacent square.

Falcon’s Feathers: To use this maneuver, you must be wearing a cloak. As a standard action, you can whip the cloak around you in a distracting fashion. Make an attempt to feint in combat, using your base attack bonus instead of your Bluff modifier. If you succeed, your target is treated as flat-footed for the next melee attack you make against it.

Hawk’s Eye: To use this maneuver, you must spend at least 1 full round observing your foe. While doing so, you can take no other actions. The next melee attack you make against your foe gains a +2 bonus on the attack and damage rolls for every round you have just spent observing the foe, to a maximum bonus of +6 (for 3 consecutive full rounds of observation). If the target of your observation attacks you while you’re observing, or if you don’t make the melee attack within 3 rounds of the end of your observation, you don’t get the benefit of the feat.


You can make use of the features of the city as handholds and footholds, defying the pull of gravity.

Prerequisites: Balance 7 ranks, Jump 7 ranks, Dodge, Mobility, Roofwalker.

Benefit: The Roof-Jumper feat enables the use of the following tactical maneuvers. You cannot benefit from more than one maneuver in the same round.

Death from Above: You do substantial damage if you deliberately leap down to attack a foe beneath you.You must drop at least 20 feet. You must roll to hit; this qualifies as a charge attack, with all relevant bonuses and penalties. If you hit, you deal damage as normal, plus an extra 1d6 points for every 10 feet of distance beyond the first 10 feet; thus, a drop of 30 feet causes an extra 2d6 points of damage.

You still take whatever damage you would normally take from the fall, but you can reduce the falling damage with a successful Jump check or Tumble check.

You cannot use any ability to slow your fall (such as the monk’s slow fall ability, or the feather fall spell) while attacking in this manner.

Urban Acrobatics: You can make use of windowsills, awnings, lampposts, and similar features of the city when leaping or falling from buildings. If you deliberately jump downward within arm’s reach of a wall or similar vertical surface, you can move yourself sideways along the wall, traveling up to 5 feet horizontally for every 10 feet you fall. If you accidentally fall, you can move 5 feet horizontally for every 20 feet you fall. You can move up to your full movement horizontally in this fashion (so long as the wall is wide enough), even if that distance, plus your falling distance, exceeds your normal movement rate.

Normal: Falling characters can move in no direction but down.


You are adept at moving and fighting on rooftops and ledges.

Prerequisites: Balance 5 ranks, Jump 5 ranks, Dodge, Mobility

Benefit: The Roofwalker feat enables the use of three tactical maneuvers.

Fleet of Feet: You can walk across a precarious surface more quickly than normal. You can move at your full speed without taking a –5 penalty on your Balance check.

Graceful Drop: If you intentionally jump from a height, you take less damage than you would if you fell. If you succeed on a Jump check when jumping down, you take falling damage as if you had dropped 20 fewer feet than you actually did.

Master of the Roof: You know how to use the slopes to your advantage. You gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC against any opponent who is at a different elevation from you.


You melt into the shadows, hiding from your enemies until the time is right. Your cunning, guile, and stealth allow you to pick the most opportune moment to strike.

Prerequisite: Hide 12 ranks, Move Silently 12 ranks

Benefit: The Shadow Striker feat grants you access to three special tactical maneuvers.

Evade Notice: If both you and an ally threaten an opponent, you can attempt to slip beneath your opponent's notice. On your turn, if you take no hostile actions, such as attacking, casting an offensive spell, and so forth, you can make a Hide check opposed by the threatened foe's Spot check. If you succeed on this check, your foe cannot attack you on his next turn as long as he threatens another active opponent. If you attack your foe for any reason before or during his next turn, you lose this maneuver's benefit.

Fade Away: To use this maneuver, you must first attack an opponent as a standard action, then move away and attempt a Hide check as part of your move action for the turn. If your attack hits, it creates a momentary diversion, granting you a +5 bonus on this Hide check.

Ghost Strike: You use an ally's distraction and your talent to move noiselessly and slip out of your opponent's field of vision for a single, crucial moment. To use this maneuver, both you and an ally must threaten a single foe. As a standard action, you make a Move Silently check opposed by your foe's Listen check. If you succeed on this check, you gain this maneuver's benefit. On the next round, your target loses his Dexterity bonus to AC against your first attack of the round so long as your ally still threatens him.

Special: A fighter can select Shadow Striker as one of his fighter bonus feats.


You are adept at breaking up formations of soldiers when you rush into battle.

Prerequisite: Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack, base attack bonus +6

Benefit: The Shock Trooper feat enables the use of three tactical maneuvers.

Directed Bull Rush: To use this maneuver, you must make a successful bull rush attempt as part of a charge. For every square you push your foe back, you may also push that foe 5 feet to the left or right.

Domino Rush: To use this maneuver, you must make a successful bull rush attempt that forces a foe into the same 5 foot space as another foe. You may make a free trip attempt against both foes at the same time, and neither foe gets a chance to trip you if your attempt fails.

Heedless Charge: To use this maneuver, you must charge and make the attack at the end of the charge using your Power Attack feat. The penalty you take on your attack roll must be -5 or worse. In addition to normal charge modifiers (which give you a -2 penalty to AC and a +2 bonus on the attack roll), you can assign any portion of the attack roll penalty from Power Attack to your Armor Class instead, up to a maximum equal to your base attack bonus.

Special: A fighter may select Shock Trooper as one of his fighter bonus feats.


You have learned a number of esoteric martial arts techniques inspired by the sun.

Prerequisites: Flurry of blows ability, base attack bonus +4

Benefit: The Sun School feat enables the use of three tactical maneuvers.

Inexorable Progress of Dawn: To use this maneuver, you must hit the same foe with the first two unarmed attacks from a flurry of blows. If you do, your foe must move back 5 feet, and you may move 5 feet forward if you wish. This movement does not provoke an attack of opportunity for either character.

Blinding Sun of Noon: To use this maneuver, you must successfully stun the same foe with an unarmed attack two rounds in a row. In addition to being stunned, that enemy is confused for 1d4 rounds thereafter.

Flash of Sunset: To use this maneuver, you must move adjacent to a foe instantaneously, as with a dimension door spell or the monk’s abundant step class feature. If you do so, you can immediately make a single attack at your highest attack bonus against that foe.


On the battlefield, you are a natural leader. You issue orders and coordinate your allies, but you also learn to take advantage of their actions and maximize the fruits of teamwork. When you attack a foe with your allies, the combined result of your efforts can be devastating.

Prerequisite: Leadership, Base attack bonus +6, Cha 15

Benefit: The True Commander feat enables the use of three tactical options.

Following Up: To use this option, you must make a successful DC 20 Diplomacy check as a move action after hitting your target with a melee attack. If you hit that target again on your next turn, the target provokes an attack of opportunity from an ally of your choice (assuming at least one is in position to make such an attack).

Perpetual Flank: To use this option, you make a DC 20 Intimidate check against an opponent as a standard action. If this check succeeds and you make a successful melee attack against the same foe on your next turn, you and your allies can treat that enemy as flanked for 1 minute.

Pile On: To use this option, you must use the aid another action to grant an ally a bonus on his next attack roll against an opponent both of you threaten. If your ally attacks and hits that enemy, you can make an immediate attack of opportunity against that target. You gain this benefit it your ally hits the foe before the start of your next turn. You gain the attack of opportunity only on the first successful attack.


Dwarves have developed a variety of cunning tactics to defeat those foolish enough to enter their mountain redoubts. While gnomes lack the dwarves’ militaristic streak, they too have refined these tactics in countless battles against kobolds and goblins.

Prerequisites: Dwarf or gnome; or base attack bonus +6 and Knowledge (dungeoneering) 2 ranks.

Benefit: The Undermountain Tactics feat enables the use of certain tactical maneuvers, described below.

Stair King: To use this maneuver, you must gain the high ground bonus on your attacks against an opponent. If you hit your foe with two or more melee attacks during your turn, he must make a Balance check (DC 10 + your Str modifier) or be knocked prone. Your opponent can opt to succeed automatically on his Balance check. If he does so, he will lose his move action on his next turn, but he will succeed automatically on Balance checks to resist this maneuver until the start of his next turn. Your opponent must make this choice before seeing the result of his Balance check. You can target a particular creature with this maneuver once per round.

Tunnel Fighter: To use this maneuver, you must be the target of at least one melee attack from at least one foe while standing with walls adjacent to you on two or more sides. When you are attacked under such conditions, you gain a +2 bonus to Armor Class due to cover. (If you gain cover from another source, this benefit does not stack with it.) You also block line of sight for any spells or attacks made by your opponents, though your allies can fire through your space as normal.

Door Sentinel: To use this maneuver, you must fight defensively while adjacent to or standing in a doorway, a gate, or a similar opening in a wall. You must be adjacent to or standing in each square across the doorway’s width. For 1 round after you fight defensively, you gain a +4 bonus on Strength or Dexterity checks to resist bull rush or trip attacks. Any creature attempting a Tumble check to avoid your attack of opportunity takes a –5 penalty on the check. Any creature attempting to tumble through your space takes a –10 penalty on its check.

Special: A fighter can select Undermountain Tactics as one of his fighter bonus feats.


You have honed your archery ability in the wilds of the forest.

Prerequisite: Point Blank Shot, base attack bonus +6

Benefit: The Woodland Archer feat enables the use of three tactical maneuvers.

Adjust for Range: To use this maneuver, you must shoot a projectile weapon against a foe and miss. Subsequent shots you take against that foe this round gain a +4 bonus, because you're able to quickly adjust your aim to compensate.

Pierce the Foliage: To use this maneuver, you must hit a foe with a ranged attack despite the miss chance caused by concealment. Shots you take against that foe in the next round don't incur the miss chance because you're able to exactly duplicate your draw and aim.

Moving Sniper: To use this maneuver, you must succeed on a sniping attack, both hitting your intended target and successfully hiding thereafter. If no one sees you, you can make a sniping attack again in the following round, taking a single move after your attack and before you hide (characters without this feat can only shoot and hide, not move as well). As long as you continue to hit the target and avoid detection from an enemy, you can make a sniping attack on the move each round.


You can gain an extra advantage when you and your allies can gang up on a foe.

Prerequisites: Dex 15, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, base attack bonus +6

Benefit: You can use the following maneuvers with this feat.

Distract Foe: You begin this maneuver when you and at least one ally flank a foe. On the first round, you and your allies gain normal flanking bonuses (+2 on attack rolls). Starting in the second round that you and at least one ally flank a foe, you can make a ferocious attack that forces the foe to concentrate on you and largely ignore your allies. You make a melee attack as a full-round action. If you hit, you make a special Bluff check as a free action; the damage your attack dealt applies as a bonus on your check. The foe you attack opposes your attack with a special Sense Motive check, adding her base attack bonus to the check. If you win the opposed check, your foe turns her attention to you, and each of your allies who are in position to give you a flanking bonus can make an attack of opportunity against that foe.

Drive Back: To use this maneuver, you and at least one ally must threaten the same foe, and at least one of those allies must use the aid another action to assist your attack roll. You make a melee attack as a full-round action. If you hit, you make a free bull rush attempt without moving into the defender’s space or provoking attacks of opportunity. Resolve the bull rush normally, except that you add the damage your attack dealt as a bonus on the Strength check you make to resolve the bull rush. You can’t push an opponent back more than 5 feet with this maneuver.

Gang Dodge: This maneuver allows you to use the aid another action to assist all allies who threaten the same foe you target with the action. You use a standard action as normal to aid an ally’s defense (see the Aid Another special attack). If you succeed, all your allies who threaten your foe gain a +2 bonus to AC against that foe’s attacks until the beginning of your next turn, provided that you continue to threaten that foe for that time.


You have honed your archery ability in the wilds of the forest.

Prerequisites: Point Blank Shot, base attack bonus +6

Benefit: The Woodland Archer feat enables the use of

three tactical maneuvers.

Adjust for Range: To use this maneuver, you must shoot a projectile weapon against a foe and miss. Subsequent shots you take against that foe this round gain a +4 bonus, because you’re able to quickly adjust your aim to compensate.

Pierce the Foliage: To use this maneuver, you must hit a foe with a ranged attack despite the miss chance caused by concealment. Shots you take against that foe in the next round don’t incur the miss chance because you’re able to exactly duplicate your draw and aim.

Moving Sniper: To use this maneuver, you must succeed on a sniping attack (see the Hide skill description, page 76 of the Player’s Handbook), both hitting your intended target and successfully hiding thereafter. If no one sees you, you can make a sniping attack again in the following round, taking a single move after your attack and before you hide (characters without this feat can only shoot and hide, not move as well). As long as you continue to hit the target and avoid detection from an enemy, you can make a sniping attack on the move each round.

Special: A fighter may select Woodland Archer as one of his fighter bonus feats.