Lord of Enlightenment

The Mule



Spheres of Influence: The Mule is the deity of mathematics, science, invention, reasoning, and knowledge.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Spells Returned: At Dawn

Favored Weapon: Crossbow

Appearance: The Professor appears as a bald man or woman with a solemn expression. When on the prime material plane, the Enlightener often takes the form of a mule to observe worshippers first hand.


Worship: Worship of the Mule can take place anywhere. Prayers are performed in complete concentration with eyes closed and faces pointed skyward. Clerics must meditate and ponder problems for at least two hours per day.

Holy Symbol: The symbol of the Mule is a triangle within a circle, within a square.

Holy Days: Veshday, the seventh day of the week, is reserved for scientific experimentation. Worshippers may discuss the details in private with the clerics while their work is unfinished, but they are expected to share the results. The temples maintain a well-stocked laboratory, and Veshday is a bustle of quiet activity.

The last day of each month is reserved for reporting new inventions and imparting knowledge to peers in the scientific community. Some worshippers plan elaborate events around the unfurling of their work, and the results can be quite entertaining. These days are also likely to draw non-worshippers, eager to see the latest curiosity from the Fraternal Order of Aptitude.

Holy Colors: Gray.

Holy Animal: The mule. Followers may not beat a mule in order to make it move somewhere; according to the faith, the mule is probably pondering a problem too difficult for its impatient owner to comprehend.

Raiment: The patron deity of mathematicians and scientists has no concern for the temporal power of wealth. Clergy of the Fraternal Order of Aptitude dress in plain grays or whites. Regardless of their specific garb, the Brothers in Logic always wear the symbol of their rank embroidered or dyed on their chest of their robe or tunic.

They must shave their heads and keep them unadorned. It is considered a violation of the faith to allow one’s hair to grow sufficiently long as to cover the scalp. This applies only to members of the faith, and facial hair of any length is allowable.

Advancement: Advancement within the Fraternal Order of Aptitude is based on seniority. However, the seniority standard may be waived for the discovery of a particularly important bit of knowledge or invention. Additionally, clerics receive a numerical rank within their level so that all church members know their exact position of authority. Geometric symbol and title indicate level in the faith.

An Even Triad must have at least 5 ranks in two separate Knowledge skills. An Even Triad has access to secret tomes and scrolls not available to worshippers or lower-ranking clerics. The Even Triad gains a bonus of +2 to all Knowledge checks made when away and +4 to all checks made while the character has the time to research in this private library.

A Perfect Triad must have at least 5 ranks in three separate Knowledge skills. A Perfect Triad’s access to the secret library improves, granting a +4 or +6 bonus to all Knowledge checks. The Perfect Triad’s stipend improves to 250 gp/month.

Graduates gain superior titles up to the 9th state, depending on seniority within the rank. A Graduate of the 4th state must have at least 5 ranks in four separate Knowledge skills.

A Master of the 2nd dimension reads from books and speaks with creatures known to few mortals. The bonus to Knowledge checks while in the field remains at +4 but increases to +8 if the character can refer to his library. The Master of the 2nd dimension gains a wizard for his second follower. If the follower meets the requirements, he may have levels in the Loremaster prestige class.

A Master of the 3rd Dimension who crafts a magical tome or book reduces the experience point cost by half.

Even levels beyond the Grand Professor are said to exist. Ancient tomes refer to these individuals as the Masters of the Fourth Dimension, and it is rumored that they know all the secrets of spatial and time travel.

Sacrifices: One week per month is reserved for teaching others. For this reason, many clerics are teachers in their local communities.

Friends and Allies:

The Temple of Armed Conflict: “They understand the value of forethought and planning. They have developed great methods for thought and meditation.”

The Home Foundation: “While they are at home with the simpler things in life, they understand the value of wisdom. They know much about the world around them, and manage it well.”

The Founder’s Creation: “They wield math to build their wonderful buildings – they are much like us, only more rash."

The Temple of the Three Strengths: “Building the mind to its pinnacle of power is a wonderful thing. Now, if they would merely focus on that alone, they would be great.”

The Church of the Life’s Fire: “They have developed animal husbandry to a science. They understand the natural sciences very well.”

The Inevitable Order of Time: “Time is a part of any equation, and can bring enlightenment to the mind of one who seeks a solution.”

Foes and Enemies:

The Confuser of Ways: “Lies and deceit destroy knowledge, and distributing misinformation is wrong.”

The Temple of Strife: “Conflict destroys many secrets, many truths and much in the way of knowledge… To spread conflict for its own sake is to work to destroy knowledge.”

The Way of the Berserk: “They fight without thought, and work to eliminate thinking from their lives.”

The Order of the Passionate One: “Alcohol kills thought."

The Church of Chance: “One should avoid randomness and risk, instead having faith in one’s ability to plan.”

The Theater of the Arts: ”They understand the power of learning, but waste its strength on frivolous art.”

The Temple of Sleepless Nights: “Subverting thought through terror and panic is the most insane thing I can imagine.”

Major Temples: Important centers of worship for the Fraternal Order of Aptitude exist in both Cosolen and Aroroleta.

Temples of the Fraternal Order of Aptitude are composed at least partially of stone to protect the vast libraries they house. The temples usually feature a rounded dome, under which worship takes place. Four arms extend from the dome, each arm holding a section of books. A secure underground chamber is available for scientific or alchemical research.

These libraries do not loan books. Church followers and clerics may use the books at will, but casual worshippers must pay a nominal fee for daily use (usually 1 sp per day). The temple might offer a lifetime use of the library for a significant donation (50 to 100 gp, depending on the worshipper’s apparent wealth).

The temples usually operate a school and keep the school in a separate building for further protection. These schools are intended for everyone, but children of the poor and freemen rarely have time for it, so it tends to educate the wealthy only. In addition to academic knowledge of math, language, and science, the temple acts as a trade school for astronomy, architecture and engineering.

Cathedrals hold private meeting places where experts and sages can discuss academic issues, research or meditate in private, or write treatises. They also have paper-makers on the property and might control the local guild for that craft.

The location of a cathedral is an important decision requiring years of study and experimentation. Sites selected display heightened magical prowess or a history of magical power. Even before construction begins, the location usually radiates magic.

Cyrn Whitehelm is the current Grand Professor, issuing his pronouncements from the faith’s seat in Bet Kalamar. Cyrn was an advisor to the current Emperor’s grandfather, and father, a position he retired from on the birth of Kabori. While he cited attention to the faith as his reason for leaving the royal family’s service, Kabori has never trusted Cyrn. While the faith’s clerics stand in awe of Cyrn’s wisdom and knowledge, they would prefer a leader whose presence didn’t antagonize the Emperor. They hope for him to “pass beyond” soon, and open the seat for someone else.

Sayings: “If neither are educated, two heads are not better than one.” - “The answer will come to the one who perseveres.” - “Invention is the gift of the Enlightener and must be shared with all who would know.” - “Even the brilliant are sometimes perplexed.” - “I don’t understand what could have possibly gone wrong. It should have worked fine. It’s not my fault.”