
The feats in this category share characteristics that make them unavailable to characters without a divine background.

First, they all have as prerequisite the ability to channel positive or negative energy, this is the same energy that is used to turn or rebuke undead. Thus they are open to clerics, paladins, and a member of any prestige class or any creature that has that ability.

Second, sometimes use of a divine feat costs a character a minimum of one channeling attempt from his or her number of attempts per day. These feats often take a standard action to activate, but may require other types of actions as specified. Regardless, you may activate only one divine feat per round.

Third, channeling this energy is a supernatural ability and a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity and counts as an attack. Also activating a divine feat is a supernatural ability and does not provoke an attack of opportunity unless otherwise specified in the feat description. Activating a divine feat is not considered an attack unless the feat’s activation could be the direct cause of damage or other effect upon another target.

Source Notes: KoK, Divine Masters