Lands of The Wild Lands

The great Wild Lands are collectively home to many offshoots of the Fhokki people. Though the Fhokki are a hardy bunch of survivors, theirs is a sad tale of the splintered lineage of a wandering people. All Fhokki can ultimately trace their lineage back to the same, single tribe which wandered across the land bridge in ancient times then continued their migration to the far northlands in an attempt to escape from the more warlike people they encountered. Life in the northlands was hard but the original Fhokki settlers banded together to survive. Their life was a good one until a minor ice age beset them. The harsh winter weather soon extended to last year-round and the spring and summer game which they counted on for survival was no more.

These Fhokki were left with two choice: they could remain in their lands and face savage conditions for survival or they could head south, almost certainly back to the battles they originally migrated north to avoid. Those Fhokki who chose to remain behind to face the brutal weather came to be known as the Torakkis. Those Fhokki who went south later divided into two groups. The larger of those groups, the Drhokkers, populated the lands just south of Lake Jorakk and the Rytarr Woods. The smaller of those two groups, the Skarrns, eventually settled along the northwestern shores of Reanaaria Bay and entered into many peaceful trade agreements with the Reanaarians and local demihumans. Eventually, the Torakkis did attempt to find more suitable lands to the east but were repelled by tribes of orcs. This led to yet another splinter group, the Targgas, to migrate south where they conquered a group of Dejy and then settled into a peaceful existence in the Shynako Hills. Eventually, the ice age in the far north broke and game returned to the lands of the Torakkis, which they interpreted as a reward from the gods for their endurance

All of these groups -- the Torakkis, the Targgas, the Drhokker and the Skarrns -- are all splinter groups from the original Fhokki tribe. Yet there is much distrust among the tribes which at best is mere suspicion and at worst is open hostility. Perhaps it is tragic that they cannot view themselves through the lens of history and again stand united as a people.

Drhokker Today

The lands of the Drhokker cover a vast area south of Lake Jorakk. The Drhokker drove out all but a single clan of Dejy when they originally migrated in the area. Weary of battle, they allowed the peaceful horse clan of Dejy to remain and co-exist with them on their land. Not a nation per se, the Drhokker are a loose association of cities and towns brought together under a single treaty which sought to end fierce and violent rivalries between competing merchant houses and businesses.

After several battles with the Minions of Misfortune (followers of the evil god Thydorr, the Creator of Strife), the Drhokker and their Dejy horse clan allies were left with one of the most formidable cavalries in all of Tellene. Even to this day, Drhokker is the only source of heavy war horses available.

Paru’Bor Today

In 459 I.R., Paru’Bor seceded from the Kalamaran Empire and ever since the relationship between the two has been even more bitter than one might expect. The current ruler of Paru’Bor is Prince Ragil V and not only is he a direct descendent of the first king of Paru’Bor but he is also a distant cousin of Kabori. That relationship between Prince and Emperor did nothing to soften the blow of secession.

Paru’Bor is a very lawful, organized society. The nation’s cities are structured alike and divided into strict districts. The people of Paru’Bor are segmented into a caste system with distinct and inviolable social classes. The practice of non-sanctioned religions is a serious crime.

Shynabyth Today

Shynabyth is a nation which seems to be at odds with everyone around them. The ancestors of the Shynabyth once peacefully inhabited the Kabela Downs near what is now Bet Regor, the capital city of Paru’Bor. Over 500 years ago, when Fulakar drove his Kalamaran horde northward, the ancestors of the Shynabyth were driven from their homeland and into the Byth Mountains. Every few generations, the Shynabyth unsuccessfully attempt to retake their ancestral homeland from Paru’Bor which, ironically, is no longer part of the Kalamaran empire.

To the north, the Shynabyth face the wicked Slen Theocracy. After losing many citizens to Slen raiders who sought victims for their foul rituals, Shynabyth declared open warfare on the theocracy.

King Joto, the current ruler of Shynabyth, has established a treaty with the dwarves Draska in the Byth Mountain. The two nations have assisted each other in many conflicts. Despite that, life in Shynabyth continues to be harsh and is especially bad in the northern regions near Slen.

Skarnna Today

Little has changed in the lands of Skarnna since the days when this wandering group of Fhokki inhabited the northern coasts of Reanaaria Bay following their flight from the harsh northlands. Semi-independent towns, each led by a 'Skryvalkker’ comprise Skarnna. In time of trouble, the Skryvalkkers unite their private armies into a single unified force. Skarna has enjoyed peaceful relations with the Reanaarians almost from the beginning of their settlement.

Slen Today

There is little on Tellene that chills the hearts of men more than the vicious Theocracy of Slen. It is an entire nation of people dedicated to the worship of the Flaymaster, the lawful evil god of pain, torture and cold. Since few dare travel there, so little is known of this place. All attempts to conquer Slen have failed and the evil nation boasts a mad army of unspeakably brutal warriors, each tortured to the point where pain has no meaning to them.

Tharggy Today

The Queendom of Tharggy is a matriarchal society which claims the territory of the eastern Shynako Hills and north of the Fyban Forest. They are known for producing some of the finest wool in the land, as well as abundant textiles and foodstuffs. With the exception of the position of General of the Army, all government positions in Tharggy are held by women exclusively.

Thirty three years ago the male population of Tharggy was decimated in an invasion by Kalamar. Only the arrival of an early winter kept the Kalamaran army from continuing its advance. By the next spring, Tharggy created another army of mostly women and with the aid of retired General Nakkary, they managed to fend off the Kalamaran army. Some stories are told of supernatural assistance from the Old Man, the lawful neutral god of strategy and battle tactics.

Thybaj Today

The Thybaj are the descendents of peaceful Dejy settlers who found the lands east of what is now Tharggy to contain fertile soil idea for grazing livestock. Due to an aggressive humanoid and giant population in the area, the Thybaj formed alliances with the elves and halfings of the Fyban Forest and the dwarves and gnomes of the Vyrkarr Mountains early on.

Today, Thybaj enjoys a thriving economy and the town of Dakyno boasts one of the largest marketplaces for many hundreds of miles. Agriculture and mining supports the economy as well. The country exports gemstones, silver ore, copper ore and wool.

Torakk Today

Torakk is merely a name given to the lands west of Lake Jorakk along the Jorakk Mountains and Rytarr Woods. They are populated by loosely-related, independent hunter clans known as aronaks. These aronaks frequently feud among themselves for perceived hunting rights to different territories, but for the most part these pragmatic people are concerned with the everyday concerns of survival in a harsh environment. The hardy, stout nature of their hunters makes them ideal targets for kidnapping raids by Slen, seeking victims for their brutal torture ceremonies.

People of the Wild Lands

Reanaarians have brown hair and eyes and their skin ranges from olive to darker tan. Hair spans the full range though rarely black, with medium brown being most common. They are shorter than Kalamarans, but their frames are sturdy.

Fhokki have blonde hair, pale skin and blue eyes, though brown eyes and slightly darker skin are becoming more commong due to sharing lands with the Dejy, as well as darker hair colors.

Fhokki Language

The Fhokki language has changed little from that spoken by the original tribes that first migrated across the Wild Lands. The use of hard consonant sounds in double and even tiple letter combinations characterize the language. The language uses the following languages: A, B, D, E, F, G, GG, H, I, J, K, KK, L, M, N, O, R, RR, S, T, TT, U, V, W and Y.

* See The Kingdoms of Kalamar campaign setting sourcebook for a detailed history and additional information on the language and people.