The Parish of the Prolific Coin

The Parish of the Prolific Coin sells services and spells to the wealthy, regardless of race or alignment. They also serve as appraisers, jewelers, moneychangers and lenders. In many regions of Tellene, the Parish has become an essential advisor to government on trade agreements, economic practices and tax collection.

Clerics and worshippers of The Landlord are only interested in profit. Many call them swindlers, but the Profiteers believe that the pursuit of economic well being is what motivates civilization to grow and prosper. Clerics realize that honesty also has its profit margin in continuing business relationships. Therefore, worshippers who have settled down are usually fair, although shrewd in business transactions.

The church usually has a significant influence in local government since it assists in the regulation of commerce and the financing of wars. Throughout Tellene, clerics of The Landlord often act as ambassadors. During disputes with other countries, the Profiteers make excellent agents and mediators since they are skilled negotiators.

Adventures: Profiteers adventure for the same reason they do everything else: wealth. They never gallantly refuse payment for their good deeds, they scour dungeons like a gelatinous cube in their efforts to sell every door, treasure chest and piece of useful metal, and they only upgrade their equipment after a careful cost-benefit analysis reveals that their current equipment is not helping them earn more money than better equipment would.

A common quest for the clergy is to seek the world renowned Hapless Diamond, an enormous stone of perfect cut, color and clarity. All who have possessed it have died quickly because of the greed and paranoia imposed by the stone. When the owner dies, the stone instantly teleports to a hidden location. Many Profiteers claim to have seen it, but none has ever laid his hands on it and lived to tell the tale. The clergy has sought it for centuries as the greatest sacrifice.

Characteristics: Some folk view Profiteers as cruel (or at least uncaring), yet they often display a depth of friendliness and consideration that surprises those around them. This kindness can be genuine or faked, depending on the individual Profiteer. In any case, this personable, open demeanor makes closing a financial deal much easier, and might even make an unwitting consumer feel good about losing money on the deal.

Background: Most Profiteers grew up slightly poorer than dirt. Whether urchins from a city street or turnip farmers in distant lands, Profiteers turn to the faith that promises to get them the wealth that they could not have on their own.

Races: Dwarves and humans are the stereotypical Profiteers, due to the perception of their greed among other races. The truth is more complex, however, and members of every race exist among the Profiteers.

Relations With Other Classes: Profiteers feel most comfortable with rogues, thanks to their natural skills and inclinations. Paladins and monks, with their rigid lifestyles, are viewed as amusing fools. Other classes are either tools to manipulate or marks to exploit.

Relations With Undead: Clerics must destroy undead that threaten the faith or its worshippers, but can animate, create or associate with undead in life-threatening situations, or if the association furthers the faith’s goals and will do no harm later. If the church decrees the cleric has committed an offense against the faith, he may be subject to penance or (for major offenses) even banned from increasing in temple rank.

Role: A Profiteer makes an excellent party treasurer and negotiator. In addition, the traditional role of the cleric as combat healer is well within the Profiteer’s ability.