
All of the classes described in the D&D 3.5 Player's Handbook (d20) can be found in "Lord Caladin's Court", Kingdoms of Kalamar campaign setting. A list of both base classes, alt. base classes and new variant classes will be given as the player characters create and play in the world of Tellene.

Base Class List


Barbarians hail from harshest climates and locales of Tellene. All across the world ranging from the northern frozen lands of the Fhokki, south in the jungle isles of the Svimohz, and even in the west among the massive Elos Desert countryside of the Dejy live and breed barbarians. Civilized people call them barbarians and suspect them of mayhem, impiety, and atrocities. These “barbarians” however, have proven their mettle and their value to those who would be their allies. To enemies who underestimate them, they have proved their cunning, resourcefulness, persistence, and mercilessness.


Bards are a universal class and appear in almost every culture in some form or another. From Kalamaran poetry, with right rhyme and repetitive alliteration, to the Fhokki songs of metaphor and allegory, to the thumping drums of the mountain dwarves, every culture enjoys a performing art of some kind, and all welcome bards and their performances.


Clerics of the world in Tellene adhere to their faith’s strictures very closely, and for good reason. While the gods allow worshipers and followers some latitude with respect to their belief and practices, Clerics must follow the faith’s doctrine strictly. Clerics can be found in places of natural beauty, in mighty crusade, in their soaring temples, and in the hearts of worshipers. Like many people, gods run a range from giving to wicked, and from simple to mysterious. The gods, however, work mostly through intermediaries, …. their clerics.


Druids exist not only in wooded places, but in deserts, atop mountains and on the islands as well. Druidic circles exist across Tellene, conducting secret rituals and following ancient traditions, some of which have roots in prehistory. Rural settings anywhere might be home to a druid.


Fighters are everywhere & ever-present throughout Tellene. They appear among village militia, powerful monarchs, and in all places in between. Members of any race anywhere might be fighters.


Tellene is dotted with monasteries, each one home to an order of monks. These secluded organizations are often devoted to intrinsic truth and physical perfection, and their lives are simple by design, usually emphasizing the spiritual benefits of arduous work and introspection. The monks of these monasteries are revered both for their strength in combat and their insightful wisdom, and though they may be remote or isolated, they have had an important role in the growth of the continent.



Psionic characters are uncommon in Tellene, but not unheard of. The psionic trait is often strongest among one group per race, for the all the humanoid races the one which has the greatest among psions are the golden halfling in the Lopoliri Mts. Amongst humans, psionic characters appear to be concentrated within certain desert tribes of the Elos and Khydoban deserts, though they may be found in all human races of Tellene. Because of the history of psionic persecution, psionic characters are unlikely to display their powers openly.



Whether scoundrel or saint, rouges live virtually everywhere. If they have a concentration anywhere, it is among the wealthy experts and craftsmen of the Reanaaria Bay. Most are stealthy thieves, others are sliver tonged tricksters. Some highly skilled are scouts, infiltrators, spies, diplomats, and yes, … thugs. In general rouges are skilled and resourceful at getting what others want or what they need, including unlocking doors and picking the pockets of wealthy merchants.



The demanding scholarly life of a wizard makes then uncommon, if not downright rare, on Tellene. Given the need of most typical wizards for paper and proper writing instruments, wizards almost never come from the outer reaches of civilization. That said, a wizard might hail from almost any conceivable civilized location, though they are particularly scarce in the northeast.

Variant Class List


Barbarian-Dashing Step

Dashing Step Barbarians hail from the open plains and rolling hills of The Wild Lands. The Fhokki are the most common to follow this path. Within the northern region they are often accused of havoc and slaughter among the tribes. All across Tellene, the world of civilized people call them crazed battle lords, some even suspect them of transgression against the clans. These “Barbarians” however, have proven their resolve as leaders among the clans. To opponents they are simply, diligence warriors.


Cleric-Favored Soul

The favored soul follows the path of the cleric but is able to channel divine power with surprising ease. They are able to perform the same tasks as their fellow divine spellcasters but with virtually no study; it comes naturally. Scholars wonder if favored souls have traces of outsider blood from unions, holy or unholy, centuries ago and generations removed. Others suggest that divine training of the proper type awakens the ability, or that favored souls are simply imbued with their gifts by their gods when they begin the cleric's path. In any case, favored souls cast their spells naturally, as much through force of personality as through study. Though this gives them extraordinary divine abilities no normal person could ever match, they see their gift as a call to action, and so in some ways may lag behind their more studious colleagues.


Source Notes:The Base Class information comes from the Players Handbook 3.5, d20; The "Pro and Cons" are from Skip Williams, posted on Wizards of the Coast, web site; The Variant Classes are changed to fit the KoK setting and sources vary.