Lady of Injustice

The Corrupter



Spheres of Influence: The Corrupter is the god of injustice, envy, and jealousy.

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Spells Returned: At Dawn

Favored Weapon: Longsword

Appearance: The Mistress of Spite appears as a stunningly beautiful queen, lavishly dressed in the finest, most expensive garments. She always wears priceless jewelry and a gorgeous diamond encrusted tiara.


Worship: Worship takes place in a temple, although Covetous Ones serving as justices or magistrates hold court in stately structures built on huge, majestic estates. They are equipped with enormous law libraries, one or more formal courtrooms and at least two opulently furnished ballrooms. The temple proper is invariably located in an underground ballroom. The Covetous Ones fill their temples with valuable relics purloined from other churches. Additionally, the altars are inlaid with precious metals and gems – because the Jealous Eye needs the best.

The Courts of Inequity do not hold weekly services. They meet surreptitiously during the elaborate parties hosted by the senior clerics. One of these events is always during the three days of the half-moon (Veshemo), preferably in a room adjacent to the ignorant nobles who make up the faith. Worshippers never gather in an intentional communal atmosphere where they can discuss their faith.

Unholy Symbol: Tipped scales resting on a goat’s skull.

Unholy Days: The three days when Veshemo is visible as a half-moon are holy (or unholy, depending on your point of view). Additionally, The Covetous Ones celebrate a special day in late summer. They believe that on this day, somewhere in Tellene, a good and just ruler is being toppled. This becomes a particularly celebrated day if the coup actually occurs in their area. The ruler in question varies from region to region, but the disintegration of the Brandobian Empire is a favorite. If they succeed in completely taking over the judicial system in a region, they revere the anniversary of this day also.

Unholy Colors: Green.

Unholy Animal: The unholy animal of the Mistress of Spite is a goat.

Raiment: When performing official ceremonies and services, clerics of the god of envy, jealousy and injustice wear either specific tunics or robes in accordance with their rank in the church. When off duty, The Covetous Ones keep current with the latest fashions, tending to spend large amounts of money on their wardrobes. After all, one can’t corrupt what one can’t attract.

Special Requirements: Ranks 1, 2, and 4 have two titles; a Covetous One must earn both titles before advancing to the next rank. At ranks 2 and 4, the Covetous One gains the benefits for the rank only when she reaches the second title in that rank.

Advancement: Advancement within this church occurs by a simple majority vote of all higher-ranking clerics. The ambitious Covetous One attempts to win the favor of such clerics with valuable gifts and pledges of loyalty. Often, the cleric tries to gain an advantage by spreading false rumors about those competing for the same position. This system tends to keep the lower-level clerics under control, but the political maneuvering for votes can become deadly.

Special Notes: In communities where the Courts of Inequity hold full authority, clergy of Advocate rank or higher can issue a Writ of Entitlement. The cost for a Writ is fluid, based on the relative social station of the cleric to the purchaser, their relationship, and the legal history of the buyer. Even the cheapest Writs typically cost several hundred gp. Once purchased, the Writ is essentially a license to commit a theft. If apprehended in such a crime, or accused by the local authorities of theft, the Writ can be exchanged for complete absolution from guilt.

All Covetous Ones receive a noble’s outfit worth 75 gp per rank upon attaining each title. All Covetous Ones receive a gold piece bonus on the church’s summer unholy day equal to (character level x temple rank) x10.

An Advocate of the Eye must have at least 3 ranks in Knowledge (local), often used for information on local laws.

A Magistrate of the Eye must have at least 6 ranks in Knowledge (local).

A Judge of the Eye’s stipend increases to 300 gp/month.

A Sheriff of the Eye must have at least 9 ranks in Knowledge (local). A Sheriff of the Eye’s stipend increases to 400 gp/month.

The second follower for the Cleric of the Eye is a rogue.

Sacrifices: The monthly sacrifice is a particularly beautiful or valuable object – preferably plundered from some good-aligned church.

Friends and Allies:

The Church of Endless Night: “The nighttime wanderings of these fellows keeps the weak and helpless at home, and out of our way.”

The House of Shackles: “They understand the value of owning, but focus too much on causing pain instead of poverty…”

The House of Scorn: “They see the natural hierarchy as do we… They focus a little much on the divisions between races, and less between classes, but the divisions are there nonetheless.”

The House of Knives: “A good assassin is not hard to find… Death can retrieve what thieves cannot.”

Foes and Enemies:

The Halls of the Valiant: “They wish to take from us all that is ours, and keep it themselves. What vile pigs!”

The Courts of Justice: “They don’t understand our station in life; few rules apply to us, and the law is for those of common rank!”

The Face of the Free: “Freedom is not for everyone… The strong deserve to own the weak.”

The Hall of Oaths: +“Truth is worthless.”_

Major Temples: Important places of worship for The Covetous Ones are said to exist in Dalen, Inolen, Premolen, Bet Kalamar, and Basir.

The temples of the Courts of Inequity are often underground structures invisible and inaccessible to the public. Worshippers usually reach them through secret entrances on the grounds of the presiding cleric’s home. Catering to the nobility, these spaces are ostentatious affairs, with slaves or servants to attend to them, the finest furnishings and decoration, and both well-lit and comfortable in temperature. Most recruiting and worship takes place outside of the temple, so it does not need to be large to accommodate the faith’s needs. Underground caverns or storage areas protect the faith’s wealth, allowing plenty of room for the deadly traps that guard it.

Cathedrals are usually above ground, both literally and figuratively. Any city in which the Courts have taken over the legal system might be designated a cathedral, although it might be a location in which the majority of the legal representatives follow the faith (such as in Bet Kalamar). If the faith practices openly, the courts and temple are in the same building or within the same complex of buildings; the faith teaches that the physical association is a constant reminder of the legal association.

Modest Kalokapeta houses the faith’s seat, although the ruling clerics would like to move the seat to a more prominent position. As long as the Kalokapetan nobles continue to pour money into their coffers in an effort to keep them there, the incentive to move is not great. Should they move, Dalen is their most likely choice for a new seat; the faith’s alliance with the House of Scorn makes Eldor a friendly environment.

The current High Queen of the Jealous Eye is Nitakaran Gomanas, a Kalamaran lady of the noble house of Ekatis, a relative latecomer to the political picture. Gomanas has a closet full of skeletons (and wraiths and specters) in her past. Aspiring clerics admire her balance of boldness and discretion in promoting the faith.

Sayings: “It’s not whether you win or lose, it’s how you bend the rules.” - “Don’t you wish you had a [body part/item/object] as beautiful as hers?” - “If it wasn’t for that incredibly ugly [body part/scar], you might be as handsome as he.” - “You know he doesn’t deserve that fine [object or item of clothing]. Go ahead – take it. I won’t tell.”