Lands of Reanaaria

The lands surrounding Reanaaria Bay are not a unified nation, though all share roots back to a common ancestry. In ancient times, the early Reanaarese traveled through what is now southern Kalamar, following the migration patterns of the game they hunted. These peaceful wanderers were beset by gnolls and ogres who preyed upon them. Not strong enough to mount a cohesive counter-assault, the Reanaarians fled north through the P’Rorul Peaks. Through the brave sacrifice of a selfless rear guard which set off an avalanche, the pursuit of the humanoids was halted.

These settlers began to establish communities along the western bank of Reanaaria bay. Many of these settlements made peaceful contact with local gnomes who taught them the science of irrigation. With the influence of a seafaring group of elves, the Reanaarians learned how to build powerful, long-range ships. Despite attacks by sea creatures and pirates, the Reanaarian fleets were eventually able to dominate the bay.

Today, the original settlements are now independent city-states governed by a single ruler or king.

People of the Reanaarian Bay

Reanaarians have brown hair and eyes and their skin ranges from olive to darker tan. Hair spans the full range though rarely black, with medium brown being most common. They are shorter than Kalamarans, but their frames are sturdy.

Reanaarese Language

True Reanaarese is rarely spoken anymore, with Merchant’s Tongue ("common") becoming more prevalent. The use of double or even triple vowel combinations characterize Reanaarese. The following letters are used: A, AA, B, C, D, E, EA, F, G, H, I, II, K, L, M, N, O, OA, OO, P, R, S, T, U, V, W, X and Z.

* See The Kingdoms of Kalamar campaign setting sourcebook for a detailed history of Reanaaria and additional information on the language and people.