Spike Attack Shield

This type of magical light shield has a spike in the center, it is an uncommon magic item in the world of Tellene.

One shield of this type was created for the High Lantern of Zoa as a gift to protect her when she was a simple cleric of the faith, a time when she was once an adventurous priestess in the world. She gave the shield to one she accepts as truly worthy to have it. Many believe it would have better served Pelor if it was in the hands of one of their respective clerics. Ught is the current owner of this shield.

The following powers and properties are part of this shield;

Enhancement Bonus

+2 shield - enchantment bonus to AC, the shield is made of steel, silver, and mithral, leather parts are made of dragon hide.

+1 spike - enchantment bonus to Hit, the spike is made of steel, silver, and mithral. The spike is considered a +1 weapon.

Hardness and Hit Ponts

Hardness 10, Hit Points 10 (as per Steel Light Shield)

Spiked Attack:

The wielder of the shield most have Shield Proficiency. When the wielder performs a shield bash, they may still apply the shield’s shield bonus to their AC. Without this ability, a character that performs a shield bash loses the shield’s shield bonus to AC until his or her next turn. If the wielder of the shield has Improved Shield Bash the wielder gains the feat Agile Shield Fighter which allows the wielder the skill to combine their shield bash attack with an armed strike. When making a shield bash and armed strike attack as part of a full attack action, you take a -2 penalty on each attack. These penalties replace the normal ones you incur for fighting with two weapons.


Aura: Faint; (DC15) Abjuration

Caster Level: 3rd

Prerequisties: Craft Magic Arms and Armour, Shield Bash.

Spells Required: Abjuration

Market price: 11,000gp (+3 shield, +1 Weapon)

Material Required: Steel, silver and mithral [steel shield], leather parts are made of dragon hide.

Weight: 6lbs (as per Steel Light Shield)