Arctic Dwarf

Beyond what most consider the civilized reaches of the world, are hidden fortresses that lie buried beneath ice and stone, along the most dangerous frostfell regions of all Tellene. Within these frigid tunnels dwells an arctic race of dwarves who splintered off from their kin generations ago. Whether they embraced the fundamental nature of their harsh lands or whether those lands slowly changed them, the Arctic Dwarf are now a living embodiment of cold. Some claim that the blood of white dragons flow through their veins and those who have come up against them quickly learn that the Arctic Dwarf are as canny and dangerous as they come.


Arctic Dwarves are sometimes called the diplomats of the north, due to their social involvement with many royal courts of other races and lands or the northern regions, which they seem to not mind being part of. They are friendly as long as they feel things are going well, they will often question everyone’s motive as to who, what, where, and why, before making a discussion and almost never agree at first even if given exactly what they want.

Physical Description

Arctic Dwarves are an average of about 3’10” and are rarely taller than 4’. They are also average weight for a dwarf, about 170 to 230 lbs. They normally have light hair, sometimes blond, gray white and red, dark hair is unheard of. Arctic dwarves enjoy basking under the sun, and many of them are sunburned, this does not cause discomfort or ill effects. Lastly they have thick hands and wide feet, and like most dwarves fancy and tend to their facial hair with great care.


Arctic Dwarves get along well with most dwarves, as long are they are civilized. They share the same loathing for orcs, goblinoids, giants, as any other dwarf. They especially dislike just about any evil frostfell creature that disturbs social balance.


Arctic Dwarves are normally Lawful; this is due to their active roles in many royal courts throughout northern Tellene. They also place a high value on honor and social standing so they tend to follow a strict tradition.

Arctic Dwarf Lands

Arctic Dwarves enjoy more sold ground then some of the other frostfell kind, and they normally live in the southern areas of the northern polar cap of Tellene. There are 2 ruling nations of Arctic Dwarves that oversee the clans; The first nation is located in northwest area of the Krond Heights outside the reach of Branobia. The second nation in the Deshada Mountains north of Reanaaria.


Some Arctic Dwarves worship The Word, due to its noble and honor driven canon. The ones that do truly follow the book tend to be knightly. Many arctic dwarves follow The Eternal Lantern, some even say that’s why they enjoy basking under the sun as much, as they do.


Linguistics is a strong point for many Arctic Dwarves. They commonly know the Merchant Tongue, and they will learn their enemies’ languages as well, they are most familiar with the tongues of some of the fiercest enemies; Giant and Draconic. As it’s a good strategy to know your enemies language, it’s also just as smart to know your allies language.


Arctic Dwarves will travel when they can and will quest often for honor and glory. They are often fighter types, and stride to improve their quality of life by adventuring or excelling in there trade as masters.

Source Notes: Unearthed Arcana D20