Moon Elf

a.k.a. Silver Elf

Moon Elves are blood bond and share an ancient past and a common future with Gray Elves. Although the Moon Elves helped to raise many of the nations of elven realms they do not hold a nation of their own. Many nomadic Moon Elf bands still roam the great forests of the north but no elven kingdom of their own have ever risen from their efforts. The northern Moon Elves have a more serious side that emerges in times of trouble. Moon Elves of the north are just as skilled with weapons and magic as their brother Gray Elf, and do not hesitate to act if a situation calls for violence as a solution. Northern Moon Elves have small clans and gather in loose bands, composed of a dozen or so extended families. Leadership is democratic; all Moon Elves of the band have a say in important decisions, although the voices of one or two of the wiser and more experienced family heads tend to carry the day. In times of danger, the band chooses an elder or war leader to see them through the peril.


Silver Elves are haughty creatures. They project either good intentions tinged with arrogance or depraved indifference, depending on their alignment. They are somber and dignified, and they do not tolerate familiarity or open affection from others. Moon Elves are mostly reserved and when dealing with other races their appearance either gives them a feeling of confident or not fitting with the social norm. Either way, they don't get along well with others. A trait that all Moon Elves share with their brother Gray Elf is the love of knowledge and the pursuit there-of. Whether it is martial, arcane or artisan knowledge, they care little, they pursue it with the same vigor.

Physical Description

A Moon Elf can only be born from untainted Gray Elf blood lines or pure blood Moon Elf parents. Moon Elves are generally taller than there other elven brethren standing between 5'9" and 6'6", they weight on average between 100 - 140 lbs. and have pale silvery skin that can have a tendency to fade into faint shades of blue with age. Their eyes are black, and always have white/gray hair and their incisor and canine teeth tend to be a great deal sharper and more pointed than other elves, giving their smile a foreboding look that takes away from their otherwise beautiful features.

Moon Elves prefer to dress in rustic clothes of simple cuts and fashions that are nevertheless of fine and exquisite make. They adorn their dress with embroidered patterns, beads, and similar trappings, preferring earthen colors for everyday wear, hues that make it easy to conceal themselves in foliage. In places of safety or in times of revelry. Hair is worn in braids or ponytails, twined with wires or beads. Moon Elves sometimes wear body paint or tattoos in mystic patterns, although not to the extent Wild Elves do.


Moon Elves get along well with their Grey Elf brothers but less so with their more forest bound kin. They get along well with intelligent beings of any type and are known to be particularly fond of wizards. Moon Elves do not hold a hatred for the Drow Elf. However rarely contact the Drow Elf of the Underdark as the Moon Elves neutrality is not a trait shared by their dark skinned kin. Other races often view Moon Elves with fear or contempt for their appearance and even among allied races Moon Elves are expected to keep to themselves.


Most Moon Elves are neutral or lawful neutral as many seek the pursuit of knowledge with little concern whether it is for good or evil. As long as everything is well-organized and an increasing mass of knowledge is available, most Moon Elves will be happy.

Moon Elf Lands

Moon Elves are a sub-species of Gray Elf and have the same homeland, nations and share the lands of other brother Gray Elves. They tend to prefer cities to the forest fortresses, but there are some small remote groups of Moon Elves in the north who are more primal and connected to nature, but their lands are small holdings and not worthy of much note.


Moon Elves tend to be non-religious, focusing on more on the foundation of the arcane than relying on pleasing a figure. However those that do worship gods tend toward those of knowledge, arcane magic, understanding and truth. True to their name, moon worshipers are among the most common of religious Moon Elves. Many Moon Elves follow their brother Gray Elves worshiping the Peacemaker, the Pure One, the Founder, the Mule, the Eye Opener, the Riftmaster, and the Fate Scribe, with the largest following belonging to the Riftmaster. Their attitude toward others and their choice of religion might seem a contradiction. How can a race that holds others in disdain worship a goddess of love? The dichotomy is easily explained; they love other races in the way that humans might love their pet dog.


Moon Elves consider themselves the trustees of ancient High-Elven. Among the elves they speak it exclusively. They speak Low-Elven to other races. They typically learn to comprehend a human tongue or other popular regional language in order to understand strangers better, though they are loath to speak in such barbaric tongues..


The desire for knowledge usually prompts a Moon Elf to take up a life of adventure, but experience in the real world or boredom can motivate them as well. A sage might become a mercenary, for example, so that he can write a book about the military organization. Sorcerers are their favorite class, and Moon Elves excel in the arts. Their desire for knowledge and self-awareness leads a few to the life of a monk. More typically, they become fighters and bards. Less commonly, adventuring Moon Elves are paladins, rangers or rogues. Moon Elf druids are rare, wizards very rare.