
Mythic Races of KoK

a.k.a. The People of the Mounds

Centuries ago, the Luminous were once Drow, of elven kind, still with slender build and a graceful yet powerful presence. BUT unlike normal Drow devoted their entire exsistance to the destruction of evil. Often taking the role of Paladins and Clerics of beneveolent deities.

As the efforts of the Luminous escalated, so too did the efforts of evil. This led the Luminous sages to begin experimenting with the forces of the positive energy plane, a plane that many of the luminous champions called upon to aid them in battle.

On the eve of the Luminous’ near extinction, the race took a collective stand against the enemy, sacrificing thousands of their kind to save the land from the evil forces. Though the Luminous were victorious, it came at a heavy cost as only a fraction of the race survived. Legend holds that a deity of chivalry and heroism took and offered a sign of thanks and acceptance by granting them a form of divinity with a connection to the positive energy plane that they desired.

Since this momentous event, the Luminous have worked to live up to the faith placed in them by the deity by working as champions of the good and justice. But they took their faith beyond that of what was given, and openly declared that they were equal to the gods that gave them their positive energy. They continue to protect the weak, and use the positive energy as champions but they do so as the unknown Heros.


More focused than friendly and far more driven than flippant, the luminous are often perceived as aloof or antisocial. These characterizations are true; in fact the luminous are natural born champions of honor, justice, and chivalry. They use their unique appearance both to frighten those who would commit evil and to calm or inspire their allies.


Luminous are outcasts in human lands, as their unique appearance tends to frighten casual onlookers. As chivalrous as the luminous are, their devotion to the destruction of evil makes them a very focused, and unfortunately, very unsociable race. Despite their lack of social graces, they are one of the most devoted and fiercely loyal races one is likely to encounter. When a luminous devotes himself to a cause, he will act as its champion for life.


Luminous believe in law and order, and they are devoted to the struggle against evil. Many Luminous view the way of chaos as sternly as they view the ways of evil, believing them to be the two sides of the same dark path.

Luminous Lands

A luminous city is marked by three perfectly round mounds, normally guarded by a creature of great power and mystic origin. They dwell in underground cities in human lands, and view many of the other races as too disorganized and/or chaotic. While the Luminous often respects dwarves, they have a more difficult time finding their place in their lands. The luminous do not often stay in any one land of any one race for too long, but this does not mean they will not champion other races or people if the need arises. Most luminous travel across the realms fighting evil wherever they find it. An ancient luminous saying proclaims ”Evil knows no borders, and either shall we.”


The luminous worship deities of law, heroism, and chivalry. Centuries of devotion to the deity who transformed them have solidified their bond to the forces of light and order.

DM Notes

Rumors persist of a corrupted faction that has turned to evil, their life energies having been tainted by the negative energy plane. If these rumors are true, these evil luminous have succeeded in concealing themselves, even from the elders of their race.


The luminous speak a hybrid of Merchant Tongue, a form of Celestial called Lumin, and sometime Elven. The Lumin language is almost impossible for most other races to speak, aside from elves and some other mythic races.


Luminous typically adventure for one reason: to fight the forces of evil. Luminous often join good-aligned adventuring companies or knightly orders to gain allies in their struggle.

In recent years, elders have described a prophecy that foretells the return of their ancient enemy and a thousand years of pain and suffering to follow. With this revelation, many of the Luminous have renewed their efforts to train their young and prepare for the coming battle. Others wander the land looking for those responsible for the enemy’s return.

Source Notes: Legends & Lairs d20, Mythic Races