Everlasting Torch

This item is often found in churches and temples throughout Tellene as a safe form of lighting. The Everylasting Torch is different from an Everburning Torch. A Everyburning Torch will only work within the temple or church in which it was created for, this is why the Everlasting Torch is a highly desired item by adventures.

An Everlasting torch house the following powers;

Continual Flame

This item looks otherwise any-other normal torch, except with has a continual flame spell enchantment upon it. An Everlasting Torch clearly illuminates a 20-foot radius and provides shadowy illumination out to a 40-foot radius.

A flame, equivalent in brightness to a torch, springs forth from the torch that you speak the command word. The effect looks like a regular flame, but it creates no heat and doesn't use oxygen. A continual flame can be covered and hidden but not smothered or quenched.

The Everlasting Torch counters and dispel darkness spells of an equal or lower level.


Aura: Faint Evocation [Light]

Caster Level: 3rd

Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item. In addition, whoever wants to craft a torch must be a divine spell caster of a temple rank 1 from a religions order.

Spells Required: Continual flame, Light

Material Required: Ruby dust (worth 50 gp), a torch with a handle made or lined with brass.

Market Price: 480 gps

Weight: 1lbs.