Desert Halfling

The origin of the Desert Halfling is unclear. When humans settled the lands that later become the Elos Desert and the Young Kingdoms, halflings were apparently already there. Their numbers, however, were small and they played little role in the wars that led to the establishment of the Kalamar Empire. Indeed, Desert Halflings are barely mentioned in the history books until the later years of the empire. Whatever the reason, the Desert Halfling was given land near the lower reaches of the prairies, steppes and desert. Desert Halflings govern themselves, and some still hold part of the empire dear too their hearts. In fact the elders of the Desert Halfling tribes still have some political power in the empire of Kalamar.


Desert Halflings, are easy going in everyday life, loving food, comfort, drink, play and song. They prefer trouble to boredom and are notoriously curious. Relying on their ability to survive or escape danger, they present a daring that few larger creatures can match. It just so happens that their definitions of things are different. Desert Halflings are just as happy eating meat off a spit, sleeping under the stars, drinking water, and singing songs from pony or dog back. They love treasure hunting and trap setting. They tend to spend their treasure as quickly as they acquire it. A Desert Halfling’s definition of play is drastically different than other halflings, for the Desert Halfling play is rough, wrestling, mounted tricks and even raiding other nomadic camps.

Physical Description

Desert Halflings stand about 3 feet tall and tend to be a bit leaner than the usually weight of 30-35 pounds. They have darker skin and tend to look wind-swept and a little beaten, and their hair is normally cut soft and windblown. They have dark straight hair and darker brown to black eyes. They wear long, comfortable, light and loose clothing that covers their entire body. They reach adulthood at about 20 and live into their second century.


Desert Halflings tend to get along well with every race. They are friendly and open to people they see as "Good" and brutally hostile to people they see as "Evil" they get along with humans, elves, gnomes and other halflings that they trade with. Most of a Desert Halflings time is sent hunting and raiding their enemies and other evil groups, in difficult time’s Desert Halflings aren’t above steeling from their "Friends" as long as they can spare the goods. They actively try to make themselves valuable and pleasant to be around.


Almost all Desert Halflings are Chaotic Good with some being Neutral Good. Evil Desert Halflings are killed if they do not flee and Lawful Desert Halflings normally leave the tribe. While they are cunning mischief-makers and accept change, they enjoy some constancy in such things like family ties and honor.

Desert Halfling Lands

The Desert Halfling represent the halfling barbarian and they sometimes inhabit planes, steppes and desert regions. Desert Halflings prefers to live in, as their name suggests, the desert. The further into the desert, the more comfortable they are. The greatest populations of Desert Halfling live across the vast Elos Desert and among the planes and steppes north among the Dejy.


Desert Halflings worship gods and goddesses of many types, some favor the elements, animals or nature, these halflings pay homage to The Bear, and Mother of the Elements. Many other Desert Halflings pay service to The Great Huntress, Risk and The Old Man and a rare few worship The Traveler.


The Desert Halfling language is very simply written but extensively spoken. Their oral tradition is very strong.


Opportunity for adventurers is common in the burning sands of Tellene. Natives of the desert may turn to adventuring because they find the nomadic life too difficult or simply they give in to the wanderlust of their forefathers. Although Desert Halfling society is often made up of networks of extended families, those who leave them to pursue their own goals rarely return.