The Tempestions

Those that choose to enter the clergy of The Storm Lord are attracted to the raw brute force and indomitable nature of storms. Many clerics and followers are warriors, but others calling on The Storm Lord are simple farmers, hoping for rain. While entranced with the raw power of weather, followers also recognize the disruption it can cause. They therefore seek to mitigate the ill effects that severe weather can have by attempting to shift these conditions to their enemies.

The Tempestions teach that nothing can withstand the power of the storm. The Lord of Thunder and Lightning can turn greatest mountain and the strongest castle into rubble. The Thunderer can strike down the largest and best-trained army in an instant. The Storm Lord can easily blow away the largest tree and the biggest ship. When Bluebolt is angered, the wise seek shelter.

The Tempestions accept into their fold only the strongest and swiftest of those seeking to join. Those that become clerics are like storms during battle; Tempestions are swift, sudden, and violent. They lay waste to all in their path.

Clerics are trained in one and two-handed fighting techniques. The two-handed technique is known as “thunder and lightning.” In one hand a cleric wields a bludgeoning weapon (representing thunder) and in the other a dagger (representing lightning).

Adventures: Tempestions enjoy adventures that keep them outdoors, especially in weather that other people consider atrocious.

Characteristics: Tempestions rely on their muscles and weapons in combat, for which they prepare by calling appropriate weather or weather conditions.

Background: Tempestions usually arise from rural backgrounds, where they survive at the whim of the weather and may lose something (crops, livestock, or even family) to a storm’s devastation. Impressed by its power, they seek to emulate or control the storm’s rage themselves.

Races: Dwarves and humans join this faith’s clergy more than the other races. Half-orcs find comfort in the faith’s rage and chaos, while other races do not often join this clergy. All races might pay tribute to The Storm Lord out of fear, but few creatures actively worship him.

Relations With Other Classes: Tempestions like rage and ferocity, regardless of who exhibits it. A fearsome fighter, an aggressive sorcerer, and a rogue who risks the front line of combat all earn the Tempestion’s respect.

Relations With Undead: The raising or use of undead poses no dogmatic issues for the cleric and risks no sanctions. However, clerics should not recklessly associate with undead, but only for purposes of helping the faith or its worshippers.

Role: Tempestions encourage others to fight like them – charge into battle and then attack until all enemies are dead. They use spells that make lots of noise and fling lightning and electricity-based spells around as much as possible. They make no claim to be advisors or guides. They are warriors that crash down on their enemies with the strength of a tidal wave.