Dwarven Sub-types

Somber Race of the Earth

Stocky, broad of body and extremely muscular, these short figures may lack in height but not in physical strength or presence. Wrapped in metal armor and armed with a waraxe, these humanoids are noble warriors who excel at metalcraft, stoneworking, and war. They tend to be serious, determined, and very honorable.

Dwarves are natural miners and stoneworkers, who have long since removed themselves from the surface world and enjoy their lives beneath the earth. Each subrace interprets the dwarven relationship with production and perfection differently, but all are focused and industrious people. Dwarves tend to be Lawful, Neutral and are purposeful individuals concerned with the task at hand.

Dwarven tunnels may be found beneath a variety of worlds, sometimes with no connection to the surface. Dwarves access natural portals beneath the earth via a process few understand. Where a settlement surfaces, its inhabitants may adapt to the climate, but those living beneath the earth have no cause to. Dwarves are stewards of an underdark all their own, a sparse network of passages beneath a hundred worlds. Oftentimes an earth path may be found to connect two planes that no other portals connect.

Dwarven nations have divided their loyalties between other humanoids. How a local clan pledges depends strongly on the local power structure, and it goes no deeper than practicality; differing loyalties do not divide two clans. Most dwarven settlements remain in contact with their parent nations, trading minerals and worked items with their kin.

List of dwarven sub-types;

Arctic Dwarf

Badlands Dwarf

Deep Dwarf

Desert Dwarf

Dream Dwarf

Frost Dwarf

Gray Dwarf

Glacier Dwarf

Gold Dwarf

Ice Dwarf

Jungle Dwarf

Seacliff Dwarf

Shield Dwarf