
The greatest organized humanoid race, the hobgoblins of Tellene have set themselves up as a force to be reckoned with. Competitive and honor-bound, they’re larger and stronger than even the tallest of humans with skin tones in the reds and browns, orange eyes, and brown hair.

While the peaceful nations of Tellene strain under the threat of humanoid attack directed at their heart, (the food producing villages and farms) one race among the humanoids has grown into a dominant force in trade, politics and war. Physically larger and stronger than humans, lawful in alignment, and gathered under strong leaders, the hobgoblin tribes formed into nations centuries ago.


Hobgoblins are very competitive and see a great deal of honor to be gained from winning a contest, whether an arm-wrestling contest, a foot race or a huge battle. During contests, friendships, religion and other factors lose importance, only winning matters. Competitors need not fear deceit, however. Hobgoblins consider cheating worse than losing.

Physical Description

Hobgoblins are larger than men, standing a typical 6 feet 6 inches tall. They are broad-shouldered humaniods with skin of maroon, clay red-orange, or yellow-brown. Eyes colors tend toward amber or orange, although some have red or brown eyes as well.


Hobgoblins stand at war with several human nations, and by necessity are at odds with them. They try to maintain friendly neutrality with dwarves, whose forges often supply weapons and armor for both nations. Many hobgoblins hate gnomes for their constant intervention in hobgoblin military affairs. More than a few hobgoblins raids have been turned back by halfling, gnome militia over the years. Their relationships with other races are neutral and depend largely on how the other race treats the hobgoblins.


Hobgoblins are traditionally lawful evil. Lawful neutral is perhaps the second most common alingment, and lawful good is extremely rare. Traditionally larger society tribes leaning toward lawful neutral, while the smaller "uncivilized" tribes leaning toward neutral evil. Many renegades follow an odd religion and might follow that deity’s preferred alignment as such.

Hobgoblin Lands

Hobgoblins live across Tellene; The Odril Hills and the Brindonwood have some of the largest concentration, while Prompeldia, Shrogga-pravaaz, the Krond Heights, Tarisato, the Obakasek Jungle, the Ka'Asa Mountains, P'Rorul Peaks, the Khydoban Desert, the Arajyd Hills, the Deshada Mountains and the Ul-Karg are other strongholds of hobgoblin civilization.


Hobgoblins are as lawful in their religion as they are in other aspects of life. The hobgoblin king or chieftain decrees one official religion. While they might allow others, few choose to follow a god others, few choose to follow those faiths because doing so would lessen their prestige amoung their pers. Most hobgoblins consider it a dishonor to follow a god other than their leaders god.

In both Ul-karg and Norga-Krangrel, The Dark One is supreme. Different tribes or the north worship the Overlord, the Flaymaster and the Harvester of Souls. Smaller tribes, usually those that include a large number of goblins, worship the Corrupter, the Seller of souls or even the Prince of Terror.


Hobgoblins speak their own languages and at least one other, since they must communicate with both humanoids and civilized races.


Hobgoblins advance in the classes of fighter and rogue most readily. They might also become clerics or rangers. They rarely advance as bards, wizards, druids or monks. Sorcery is marginally more common than wizardry. The barbarian class is common amoung the "uncivilized" bands. While the hobgoblins of Norge-Krangrel and Ul-karg disregard it.

Source Notes: KoK Player's Guide