Dwarf Feats


You have a strong connection to the ancestors of your clan, giving you understanding and knowledge beyond the mortal realms.

Prerequisite: Dwarf, Wis 15

Benefit: You can make any Knowledge check untrained, even if the DC is higher than 10. In addition, you can use your Wisdom modifier for any Knowledge check in place of your Intelligence modifier.

Normal: A character can only make untrained Knowledge checks if the DC is 10 or lower, and Knowledge skills are Intelligence-based.


You have learned how to hurl heavy weapons to deadly effect.

Prerequisite: Glacier Dwarf, human, or Half-Orc

Benefit: When you make a ranged attack with a thrown weapon (axe, spear, javelin, or the like), you may add your Strength bonus instead of your Dexterity bonus to the attack roll.

Special: You may select this feat only as a 1st-level character. You may have only one regional feat.

Normal: A character attacking with a ranged weapon adds his Dexterity bonus to the attack roll.


The blood of the azer runs thick in your veins. Azer once a great ruler from the kingdoms of old.

Prerequisite: Shield Dwarf

Benefit: You receive a +4 bonus on saving throws against fire effects. You also receive a +1 bonus on Craft (armorsmithing, blacksmithing, and weaponsmithing) checks.


Your extensive battle experience has left you incredibly calm and composed, even in the heat of battle.

Prerequisite: Dwarf, base attack bonus +4

Benefit: You receive a +4 bonus on saving throws against fear effects. You also gain a +2 bonus on initiative checks.

BLOODED [Racial]

You know what it means to fight for your life, and you understand the value of quick wits and quicker reactions when blades are bared and deadly spells are chanted.

Prerequisite: Gray Dwarf, Dark Elf, Dark Halfling, Goblinoid, or Human (Svimohz)

Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on initiative checks and a +2 bonus on Spot checks. You cannot become shaken, and you ignore the effects of the shaken condition. However, you can still be frightened or panicked.

Special: You may select this feat only as a 1st-level character. You may have only one regional feat.


The stubbornness and determination of your kind are legendary. You are exceptionally headstrong and difficult to sway from your course.

Prerequisite: Dwarf, or Human

Benefit: You receive a +2 bonus on all Will saves. You cannot become shaken, and you ignore the effects of the shaken condition.

Special: You may select this feat only as a 1st-level character.


Your actions have brought you some measure of fame and respect from your clan, whether from battle prowess or years of service to the clan.

Prerequisite: Dwarf, Cha 13

Benefit: Your prestigious actions grant you a +4 bonus on all Charisma-based skill checks when dealing with other members of your clan. The clan must be specified when the feat is taken, and it cannot be changed.

Special: This feat is applicable to one clan only, typically the one with which the character is affiliated. It cannot be taken more than once.

DAUNTLESS [Racial] [Regional]

You can stand up to greater punishment than most and still keep on going.

Prerequisite: Dwarf, or place of origin Underdark

Benefit: You gain +5 hit points.

Special: You may not s elect this feat more than once, but its benefit stacks with Toughness. You may select this feat only as a 1st-level character. You may have only one regional feat.


Thanks to your clan teachings, you have practiced evading the attacks of jungle plants.

Prerequisite: Wild dwarf, place of origin Svimohzia

Benefit: You receive a +2 bonus on all Escape Artist checks and a +2 bonus on opposed grapple checks.


You may have Gray Dwarf blood, and can use your expansion psi-like ability more often.

Prerequisite: Deep Dwarf, expansion psi-like ability

Benefit: You can use the expansion psi-like ability granted by your Deep Dwarf heritage a total of three times per day.

Special: You can not gain this feat multiple times.

Normal: A Deep Dwarf's expansion psi-like ability can only be used once per day.


Gray Dwarf heritage is in your veins, and you can use your invisibility psi-like ability more often.

Prerequisite: Gray Dwarf or Deep Dwarf, invisibility psi-like ability

Benefit: You can use the invisibility psi-like ability granted by your Dwarf heritage a total of three times per day.

Special: You can not gain this feat multiple rimes.

Normal: A Gray or Deep Dwarf's invisibility psi-like ability can only be used once per day.


You are accomplished at using the power of your mind to overcome weaker personalities.

Prerequisite: Gray Dwarf

Benefit: You gain +1 spell power (+1 on save DCs and a +1 bonus on checks to overcome spell resistance) on enchantment spells and spell-like abilities.


You are familiar with exotic armor of dwarven manufacture and understand how to use it properly.

Prerequisite: Dwarf, Armor Proficiency (heavy)

Benefit: You are proficient with battle plate, interlocking plate, interlocking scale, and mountain plate, and you take no armor nonproficiency penalties when you wear any of these types of exotic armor.

Normal: A character who wears exotic armor with which he or she is not proficient takes its armor check penalty on attack rolls and on all Strength and Dexterity based skill checks.


You have been trained to make devastating strikes with the weapons of the dwarves of the Mror Holds.

Prerequisite: Dwarf, proficiency with battleaxe, dwarven waraxe or dwarven urgrosh,

Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on damage rolls when making an attack with a battleaxe, dwarven waraxe, or dwarven urgrosh as long as you do not move during the round in which you make the attack. If you have any of the following feats for the battleaxe, dwarven waraxe, or dwarven urgrosh, you can apply the feats' effects to all four weapons: Improved Critical, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Greater Weapon Focus, or Greater Weapon Specialization.


You have learned the secrets of dwarf magic that creates or enhances weapons.

Prerequisite: Gold Dwarf

Benefit: You gain +1 caster level when casting a spell that creates a weapon or enhances an existing one. An 11th-level caster with this feat, for example, grants a weapon a +4 enhancement bonus when she casts greater magic weapon, not just a +3 enhancement bonus. This bonus caster level allows you to exceed the normal maximum effect allowed by a spell. The tradition of gold dwarf dweomersmiths includes the following spells at each level: 1st--bless weapon, magic stone, magic weapon, shillelagh; 2nd--flame blade, Melf's acid arrow, spiritual weapon; 3rd--flame arrow, keen edge; 4th--greater magic weapon, holy sword; 6th--blade barrier, spellstaff; 7th-- changestaff, Mordenkainen's sword. Other spells gain this benefit if they target a weapon. Additionally, any magic weapons you fashion cost 5% less in gold pieces to make. The experience point cost is unaffected.


Your bond with the earth and martial training has imbued your fists with the qualities of cold iron.

Prerequisite: Dwarf, Gnome, or Goliath, Earth Sense, Improved Unarmed Strike, CON 13, WIS 13

Benefit: As long as you are touching the ground, your unarmed attacks are treated as cold iron weapons for the purpose of dealing damage to creatures with damage reduction.


You have learned the secrets of Gold Dwarf Magic that creates or enhances weapons.

Prerequisite: Gold Dwarf

Benefit: You gain +1 caster level when casting a spell that creates a weapon or enhances an existing one. An 11th-level caster with this feat, for example, grants a weapon a +4 enhancement bonus when she casts greater magic weapon, not just a +3 enhancement bonus. This bonus caster level allows you to exceed the normal maximum effect allowed by a spell. The tradition of Gold Dwarf dweomersmiths includes the following spells at each level: 1st-bless weapon, magic stone, magic weapon, shillelagh; 2nd-flame blade, Melf's acid arrow, spiritual weapon; 3rd-flame arrow, keen edge; 4th-greater magic weapon, holy sword; 6th-blade barrier, spellstaff; 7th-changestaff, Mordenkainen's sword. Other spells gain this benefit if they target a weapon. Additionally, any magic weapons you fashion cost 5% less in gold pieces to make. The experience point cost is unaffected.


You are trained in an unarmed fighting style that emphasizes a two-handed strike.

Prerequisite: Dwarf, STR 13, Improved Unarmed Strike

Benefit: You add one and a half times your Strength bonus on your damage when you hit with an unarmed strike. This extra damage does not apply if you make a flurry of blows attack or if you are holding anything in either hand. You must use both hands to make the unarmed attack.


Your dwarven soul is stronger while in rage.

Prerequisite: Dwarf, ability to Rage

Benefit: While raging, your dwarven racial save bonuses against magic and poison are doubled.


Through the favor of the Speaker of the Word, you are skilled at interacting with others.

Prerequisite: Dwarf

Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on all Charisma-based skill checks.

IRON MIND [Racial]

You are descended from duergar who escaped enslavement by the illithids. The blood of these psionic-resistant former thralls runs thick in your veins.

Prerequisite: Gray Dwarf, WIS 13

Benefit: You receive a +4 bonus on saving throws against psionic effects, such as those employed by a mind flayer or yuanti, and a +1 bonus on Will saves.


You are acclimated to the disease-ridden jungles.

Prerequisite: Jungle Dwarf

Benefit: You receive a +2 bonus on all Survival checks and a +2 bonus on Fortitude saves versus disease.


You are skilled in the art of metallurgy, creating metal alloys both for their appearance and their properties.

Prerequisite: Dwarf

Benefit: You receive a +3 bonus on all Craft (armorsmithing, blacksmithing, or weaponsmithing) checks.


Because of your training and wariness, you are skilled at keeping your feet in combat and able to move over difficult terrain with ease.

Prerequisite: Dwarf

Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground (but not when climbing, flying, riding, or otherwise not standing firmly on the ground). In addition, you take no movement penalties for moving over difficult terrain.


Your blood is thick like cooling lava, making it difficult for you to die after falling from injuries.

Prerequisite: Dwarf, CON 13

Benefit: When dying, you have a 50% chance per round to stabilize and stop bleeding to death.

Normal: A character normally has a 10% chance to stabilize when dying.


You have a deep and abiding tie to earth and stone.

Prerequisite: Dwarf, Craft (stonemasonry) skill, Stonecunning

Benefit: You receive a +2 bonus on Craft (stonemasonry) checks and a +2 bonus on Stonecunning checks.


You are well versed in the art of storytelling and the oral history of your culture.

Prerequisite: Arctic Dwarf, Shield Dwarf or Gold Dwarf

Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Knowledge (history) and Perform checks.