Book of Rage

Different copies of the canon, “Let the Rage Take You,” bear little resemblance to one another. Typical features include very large lettering, drawings of liberal death and destruction, and red-bordered pages. Sloppy print is common. Because of the nature of its owners, copies in good condition are hard to find (and many copies even sport blood, punctures, slash marks or other scars).

The informative and instructional text is limited to a few short Furies, while some Chants give readers a selection of battle cries, chants, oaths and prayers to recite during a battle. None of the chapters is very long, making this one of the skimpiest canons.

Let the Rage Take You encourages worshipers to be belligerent and to fight whenever possible. Fighting is the ultimate separator of the weak and the strong; the weak suffer eternally, while the strong are rewarded in the afterlife. Combat and random battles are considered a tribute to the Battle Rager. Harnessing your fury into a violent and powerful crushing attack is the way to victory, while finesse and discipline lead only to pulverization. Complicated tactics in battle and planned warfare are the recourse of the fearful and the weak; the strong, brave and courageous fight whenever they feel the need.

The faithful can find Let the Rage Take You, but they have to search for it. Few copies exist even in large cities. It costs 25 gp.