Noble Caste in Rokugan

Characters in Rokugan are either members of the noble caste often called the samurai caste or they are not - they are heimins "halfpeople" or hinins "nonpeople," including eta. This is an important distinction, and can have a great impact on other character choices. Nonnoble characters do not come from the seven great clans, and cannot gain the benefits of clan origin an extra class skill. They cannot adopt the samurai or shugenja character classes, since both of these classes require training in a clan school for many years.

Nonnoble characters can be barbarians, fighters or rangers or well-trained ashigaru soldiers, monks who care nothing for social status, rogues, shamans, sorcerers, or wu jen. They can also adopt the adept, commoner, or expert NPC classes. Noble characters are usually samurai or shugenjas, though there are many exceptions. Unicorn barbarians, ronin fighters, Dragon monks, Crab rangers, Scorpion rogues, and Phoenix blood sorcerers represent the noble caste among all the available character classes in Rokugan. Aristocrats are always noble caste characters, and experts often are Crab engineers and Crane artists.

Nonnoble characters had better not be seen carrying a katana or wakizashi! The soul of a samurai is his sword, and the daisho-the two swords, katana and wakizashi-are a mark of status, signifying that the bearer is a member of the noble caste. Nonsamurai nobles often do not carry the katana, since wearing a katana is a sign that one is prepared to use it. Such characters may carry a wakizashi.

Similarly, samurai armor-including partial armor and great armor-are viewed as a badge of the noble caste, and particularly of the warriors of that caste including samurai as well as noble rangers, barbarians, and even some rogues. Samurai are prone to taking insult when nonsamurai wear "their" armor.