Reanaaria Bay

Reanarria Bay - an outsider’s view

“Reanaaria Bay is a large region, with diverse people living along the coastline. Each city is literally a state unto its’ own, and runs as it inhabitants see fit. It makes for an incredible place, as each city is so different from the rest, and little more than a day’s travel from each other. The cities are often isolated, with water on one side and mountains on the other, making it hard for them to expand. This, combined with the poor land based resources in the area, restricts the population and the growth of their city-states. Most people here, however, live comfortably from the fish in the sea or from the trade with other city-sates.

Merchants regularly trade for the riches that come down from the mountains, as well as the plentiful foods that come from the sea, and in a few places, the interesting or rare items that are retrieved from the forests. This traffic supplies the entire bay with fresh supplies that are not easily found elsewhere. This trade is also a main source of another major trade here; shipbuilding. Without the major trading cargo ships, many of shipbuilding yards would quickly go out of business. This trade has also fostered good relations among the many races, and racial prejudice is much rarer here than in other lands. Yes, the bay is a fine place to live.”

Reanarria Bay - an insider’s view

“Our settlements are sheltered, both from the elements and from each other. Each city is free, free to be, though it may have been founded at very different times, and for very different reasons. Some were founded around settlements of other races, others were found because of some natural resource, while others were founded seemingly on a whim. There are cities and towns of every type, and each city produces something that the other can’t match. It gives the Bay a strength that few other regions have.

Every race is accepted within the bay area. Some places are more accepting then others, but for the most part, we understand and respect the other races for their contributions to our society. Gomes, dwarves, elves, halflings….. All exist here, and are mostly integrated into the communities. Halfling are mainly farmers, while elves mostly stay near the cities, working the administration or trading with others, and dwarves and gnomes manufacture quality products. Everyone has a role to play here.”

Source Notes: KoK Player's Primer