
Creatures of dark evil roam the lands in search of prey, while others rule a terrified populace from the safety of their throne rooms. Meanwhile, elven warriors battle an expansionist kingdom to protect their forest home, dwarven rebels plot to overthrow their human conquerors, and hobgoblin armies grow increasingly more powerful day by day. Spies and spellcasters seek knowledge and power for themselves and those they serve, and strands of their web-like plots reach into cities and towns across the continent. Ruins of ancient empires lie buried beneath burning desert sand, and their stories told in smoky back rooms attract brave fools eager for excitement and quick wealth. The streets are full of fighters and rogues eager to draw steel and strike for little cause, and war between kingdoms is a constant occurrence. The courts of the nobility also hold mystery and intrigue, provided one can master social pressures greater than the threat of a giant's club or a dragon's fang. Yes, a campaign set in the lands of Tellene offers a vast wealth of possibilities for adventure.

Source Note: KoK Player's Guide